
Why do guys love boxing,.,.?

by Guest66974  |  earlier

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why even good looking guys,. love it?

well i do also,. but i want to here your comment,. thanks




  1. Testosterone

  2. testosterone....pure and simple.

  3. for me it's the science of the sport. the chess match. true boxing.

    exchanges when you can see what the other guy is doing to get his shots in, setting them up....defense styles....etc.  

    then you spar, cardio..etc yourself and get even more respect for the level at which you see the "pros" do it at and have an even greater appreciation for not only what they do but how they go about doing it at such a high level.

    It truly is a science in there. mentally exhausting as well. takes alot to get in a ring just to spar....let alone under the spotlight

  4. boxing is a real man's sport and that's something you obviously won't ever understand

  5. Boxing:  the Sweet Science

    There are

    No time outs,

    No quitting,

    No Team to rely on

    Enough Said

  6. it is competition and the quest to win......and physical with blood and sweat flying all over....yup, that's why!!!!!!

  7. maybe the boxing could reduce their stress...or somethings...

    or boxing is a sports(exercise)  that is good for our health...

    or to look cool and mature...

  8. Because it's the greatest of all sports. Men were boxing 6000 years ago and always will. It is fair and direct competition. No teams, no complicated rules, no equipmet to blame if you fail. It's just you and your opponent, simple and basic. This is the competition every man desires deep down in his heart.

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