I know it might seem like a stupid question to ask:
Guys don't love shoes in the first place. That is actually a very small minority of guys who think like that, just as there is a small minority of girls who think like that. A great majority of guys and girls either love/really like their shoes. If you think guys can't possibly be like that, then tell me this: When was the last time you heard a guy say that he chose his shoe because it was comfortable? Chances are a guy has never told you that, chance are they said, "Dude, i picked these shoes because they were killer tight yo!" Or something to that effect. So, why is it that guys supposedly don't love/really like their shoes as much if they obviously care about how they look. Now i'm quoting Scrubs here, "People only do things if they get some sort of joy out of it." Since guys enjoy the way their shoes look, then why don't guys have a ton of shoes, people don't just have one pair of awesome looking shirts. They have closet fulls.