
Why do guys not have as big of an outward perception of loving shoes like girls do?

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I know it might seem like a stupid question to ask:

Guys don't love shoes in the first place. That is actually a very small minority of guys who think like that, just as there is a small minority of girls who think like that. A great majority of guys and girls either love/really like their shoes. If you think guys can't possibly be like that, then tell me this: When was the last time you heard a guy say that he chose his shoe because it was comfortable? Chances are a guy has never told you that, chance are they said, "Dude, i picked these shoes because they were killer tight yo!" Or something to that effect. So, why is it that guys supposedly don't love/really like their shoes as much if they obviously care about how they look. Now i'm quoting Scrubs here, "People only do things if they get some sort of joy out of it." Since guys enjoy the way their shoes look, then why don't guys have a ton of shoes, people don't just have one pair of awesome looking shirts. They have closet fulls.




  1. The answer is right there in the shoe store.  How much acreage is devoted to women's shoes, the wide variety and color, and how much to men's shoes, with their 3 colors, and 5 styles.

    The only time men get to choose from a great variety of shoes is when it comes to athletic shoes, and there you will find that men love their shoes as much as women.

  2. There are many different reasons that woman love to shop for shoes: !) for the "emotional experience" so when they go "shoe shopping" they might pick the same style of shoe in many different colors (like white heels, black heels, purple heels) to match the many different outfits (dresses, skirts, Capri's. etc.) they have or look to purchase. Many women fashion magazines suggest most women to have a variety of shoes in different colors as a minimum. For men, they usually don't follow "fashion trends" as closely as women do. Most men are restricted to a limited range of (bland) colors like black, brown, burgundy as most women are not afraid of "bold and colorful" choices.

    2) Some women love to shop for the "bargains" they find and "love sales" because, (as my wife has told me) "there's nothings like finding a "bargain" an item less than the regular price it originally sold for. Sure men love to save money on items they buy, but most would rather pay full price why? They don't have the patience to find a lower price likes women do. (Of course some men may do this but mostly I have found that woman love the bargain more than some men do)

    3)Women have a vast variety of styleslike: heels in various size heights (2", 3" etc.) peep toe pumps, kitten heels, sandals that cross over the ankle, others do not, gladiator shoes, clogs, wedges, escadrilles, ballerina flats, dress shoes, backless sneakers, sport shoes, flip flops, boots: like scrunch style, some might likes even UGGS, cowboy, ankle boots, etc.

    Men's variety of shoes may include: dress shoes, sneakers, boot shoes, clogs, dress shoes and work boots, etc. Much less of a variety than women's styles.

    So, because some women have such variety, many colors, different styles to choose from they have to shop more than men do, and they shop so it makes them feel better and improves their happiness and self esteem. Some women love to talk about their shoe purchases to their closest girlfriends, and love to receive compliments from their spouses and boyfriends; and get upset because they spent so much time and effort to shop for the "perfect pair" of shoes. Strangely, most men don't share their shoe purchases with their buddies and pals like some women do. In fact, some men will joke about  their spouse paid for their new shoes...Maybe that's why some men don't get it and some never will.

  3. I personally think that in a very big way, women with shoe fetishes developed them from watching s*x and the City too much. And many of those shoes sucked, by the way. There was a pair that looked like they had pink stacks of Post-It Notes on top.

    As for men with shoe fetishes, maybe they just have a few lovable pairs of shoes and that's it. Quality over quantity.

  4. It's not a question of, "Why do guys not like shoes" it's a question of "Why do girls like shoes".

    I buy the cheapest trainers I possibly can, I then wear them out until they have completely fallen apart and then I might consider buying new ones.

    Monks shave their hair off so that it's one less thing to worry about. It's the same with me, I've got better things to worry about than shoes. If they fit and feel comfortable and I feel they will be durable and they are on sale 25% off I will buy them! Spending more than 5 minutes in a shoe shop is a no no.

  5. I buy all my soes for comfort. but I only need a few types.

    My hikers, running shoes, and work shoes.

    And I will spend anything for the comfort.

  6. I can't say that I have many pairs of shoes. I just have some old running shoes(which I should soon replace), a pair of steel toed work boots and a pair of simple black dress shoes.

    Three and that's all I need. I go into the store, find something decent looking, durable, comfortable and on sale. Then I'm out like a flash. Shoes aren't for fun, they just need to protect your feet!

  7. Because guys shoes are boring. I don't love shoes, but as they are made of differensatins, velvet and jewels they look very retty and come in many different styles. In the same way men used to be a couple of hundred years ago when they wore makeup and fancy fashions.

  8. Guys don't buy and collect shoes because we are too busy paying for dinner dates, drinks at the bar, the mortgage, utilities, a nice car and various other things that women rarely concern themselves over. Thats ok though, because many of us have began collected other things that we don't have to pay for. For instance, some men collect the underwear of every girl they have slept with.

  9. i've found that my only real need for a lot of shoes is when you're out playing a lot of sports it's good to be able to clean and air out the ones you sweat in a lot witha rotation of other shoes. Other than that a few different pair for different occasions is enough.

  10. They're things.

  11. I thought woman liked shoes better, but my husband has as many pairs as me. Admittedly neither of us has a lot only about 15 pair. But all in all I think its stereotype put on by the few woman who own to many.

  12. I take great care in picking out the shoes I do buy, but I only need a few pairs and I'm done. How many pairs of black dress shoes do I need, for example? I own 5-6 pairs of shoes and I'm satisfied.

  13. girls love material things, they are very materealistic, sheos are a material, girls love sheos

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