
Why do guys not like condoms????????

by  |  earlier

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So I'm on antibiotics and that affects the birth control im taking, doc said to use condoms for about 3 weeks while im on the biotics....but my bf REFUSES to wear condoms...says he cant feel anything i personally dont see how its true...what do you think ..and what should i do?




  1. it just, it feels weird and not as good. but if he was loyal he woud were one.

  2. tell him that if he won't wear them.

    you won't have s*x with him.


    or tell him to go jerk off.

    even though that's creepy.

    but still.

    if his 'feeling' is more important than your health then

    that's just really sad and you should tell him you think that

    he's acting immature and he can either wait 3 weeks or wear the d**n condom.

  3. The sensitivity does go down when we wear condoms.  Just tell him sorry that you do not want a child, and you refuse to have s*x unless he wears one until your pharmacist gives the ok, that the antibiotics are not interfering with the birth control.

  4. I think this question should be answer by guys, they are the ones who know how that really feels.

  5. It's true that sensitivity goes down for him when he wears a condom, but that's not to say it goes down completely. There plenty of guys I know who would absolutely love to have s*x with a condom. Your concern here is protecting yourself AND your partner from STDs and pregnancy. If he refuses to wear a condom, DO NOT have s*x with him, unless you are willing to take responsibility for the result of an "accident." Seriously, he should be happy that he has the opportunity to have s*x with you, not upset because you won't give up your safety and possibly health, just so he can get his jollies on. It's important that he respect you and be caring for you, especially when you're ill or vulnerable.  

  6. Just tell him "No condom, no honey."

  7. maybe its uncomfortable to them wearing one

  8. deny him s*x.

    (and i kinda agree with the condom thing, you can still feel alot, but its way better without a condom)

  9. tell him that if he doesnt wanna wear one, then dont give him s*x.

    By the way nice nick name :]

  10. I don't think you are being honest with the question at hand.  It is common knowledge, covering any part of ones body would lose sensitivity. What you should be doing is asking your self ! questions.

    For example : Should I be worried about my poor boyfriend not feeling anything for the next 3 weeks.!?  If you answer yes to your question,

    I think you should sit down with someone who loves you, unconditionally, sharing a hot cup of tea together and having a good laugh about it. Oh! and by the way, of course you do not have s*x with out a condom.

  11. tell him to wear onee he feels ittt  

  12. He's a LOSER!  Don't give him any, than he won't feel anything. LOL Use then, if you don't want to be pregnant.

  13. Well Im a woman and I personally don't like condoms either.

    The feeling is just different to me.

    It feels so much better without it.

    And my boyfriend agrees aswell.

    He's exaggerating when he says he can't feel anything,

    But the feeling is just better without one.

  14. well first off, it does lessen the feeling they get but not dramatically, he's just being an idiot, lol, and if he really refuses to wear one, then don't sleep with him, if he's that stupid to risk you getting pregnant because he doesn't want to wear a condom, what are you doin with him? lol

  15. Your BF is a jerk if he won't respect you to use a condom while you are on medication.... But, as far as them not liking using condoms... I mean think about it, their most sensitive organ is wrapped in plastic... of course it doesn't feel good.  

  16. its like putting ear muffs on, you can hear but not good!!  do other stuff until your over with it,   its just not the same!  good luck!

  17. You will have to abstain for that period then if he refuses to use condoms. Although antibiotics don't usually affect the pill actually, it's better to be safe than sorry.

    It's obvious why guys don't like condoms, it does feel better without for both parties especially the man, but to say he doesn't feel anything seems like he's exaggerating lots (or maybe he's circumcised and doesn't have much sensation to begin with).

    Even though guys don't like them in my experience they will use them and consistently especially if they have to like in this situation, your boyfriend does not sound like a nice guy you should dump him.


  18. Its true that a guy has a harder time feeling anything with a condom on.My husband says the same thing, but if you dont wanna end up pregnant than insist that your bf use a condom or not have s*x, but also you could use spermicides.....

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