
Why do guys only look at females for what they have on their body?

by  |  earlier

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hi i'm a 16 yr old girl and i felt insecure today because as i went to pick up my little sister, these boys in the hood said that i have the face but i don't have the body and that i need the body. im naturally skinny and my mom is curvy. he embarassed me in front of everyone then after that he tries to be nice to me. they were all black and we live in the south bronx. those guys are also like 21-25 yrs old. im scared to death. last week i heard one of them say that i looked nice and ripe and that he would hit it with me.




  1. god gave you two middle fingers.

    use them to the fullest advantage.

  2. Not all guys are like that

    But sounds like those guys don't have manners

    OR they are just trying to be cool in front of their friends

    Or they are just pigs

  3. "in the hood"

    Who cares they are losers proably gang members a real man (with a job other then drug dealing) will love you no matter what you look like fat or thin...they aren't worth you worrying about! Plus why are 21-25 year old guys talking to you...they are pervs!!

  4. lololololoollololololololololoololololol...

  5. why does it matter  if there black?

  6. yea i kno wat u mean. i had the same thing said to me. im 15 and im naturally skinny too. but in my case the dudes were aound my age. i just brushed it off and didnt care. i personally like dat im small becuz i dnt have to complain about have a stomach and losing weight. dnt feel insecure, love who u r and wat u got. plus i alwayz get a bunch of compliments on how pretty i am

  7. I have no clue why man are attracted to lumps of fat with nipples attached them, either.  I'm sure you were very scared.  No girl would really like it if a guy was doing that kind of stuff.

  8. where they harassing you?

    you could tell on them.

    they shouldnt be talking like that to you.

    they could easily one day deside to rape you.

    not to scare you but since you heard one of them say

    that they would hit it. they might want to, and you probably


  9. 1st if you black too then why would u have to mention it

    2nd there guys

    i know guys of ever race that telll me "hey girl id hit that" which me and my friends make fun of.

    3rd if they are 21-25 you should tell them im a minor if you hit it get ready to go to jail

    its a proven fact the guys are very visual

    so they see ur body first=p

  10. Because they are stubborin and ignorant.

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