
Why do guys rest their hands in their pants/underwear?

by  |  earlier

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Just like, they put their hands in their underwear. Not really IN them all the way but half their hand is in. Why do guys do that? (It's usually when they are just relaxing or whatever).




  1. Being a guy ive never done this but i saw this grosse guy once do it and all the girls left the table



  2. ok well my reason for doing it is because well it seems strange but believe it or not our groin and theighs are one of the most warmest parts on our body so we like to put our hands there so we can feel warm and you might notice men put their hand in between their legs when they lie down

  3. to air out a bit, idk, maybe cuz it feels good just touching your most prized possession of your body without any sexual connotation  

  4. i wouldnt say that its justt guys.

    cause my girlfriend puts her hand in her pants.

    i can promise you nothings happening.

    im not really too sure why anyone does it.  

  5. to make sure it's still there

  6. Because it feels good. Ive seen women do the same thing. Look at Al on Married with Children too lol

  7. Why do women play with their hair? because they don't have any nuts to scratch!

  8. I don't do it actually.

    But with all the pubic hairs, it might get itchy sometime. So keep it shaved guys!

  9. Because they like to feel close to their junk of course! lol joey, mami is still angry!!! i have to shut off at 9! and that's after she takes the comp! lol i'm so...angry and frustrated are the right words.

  10. I'm a girl and I do it.  Where better could I put my hands!  I too mean only half in or sometimes down the back.

    It's just comfy, sorry.

  11. I don't know. I honestly never saw anyone in real life do that . (I remember Al Bundy doing that all the time. LOL!!!)

  12. Well It's better than pulling our ***** out of our pants to play with them.

  13. Why not? we can.

    Kind thoughts,


  14. Omg i know what your talking about

    i do all the time lol

    have no idea why

    it's one of those impossible to answer questions like what is the point of male nipples? lol

  15. Maybe you have a better idea of where to put them.

  16. Because baby boys find that "toy" when they're about 4 months old and they play with it till the day they die.. They keep the hand in the pants because.. my gawd... they have to make sure the thing didn't fall off or something! lol

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