
Why do guys take such a long time to take a dump?

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haha random i know but it's just one of those things i've always wondered....i mean, they take like half an hour...while i take like 5 minutes....hahah just curious....




  1. I can take a dump in 1 push and i'm pretty much done, takes about 30 seconds to dump, flush whipe, then another 20 seconds to wash my hands

  2. They hide in the bathroom from their naggy wives.

  3. It doesnt take me that long - those guys are probably doing more than taking a dump, if you know what I mean.

  4. not all guys do... i don't for example im in and out in five minutes ..

    but see this is another stereotype of men in American society and its actually quite gross and wrong.

    to answer youre question however some guys do it because its usually the only place except in the shower that they have alone time ..

    but i take walks for mine ..

    that is .. i take walks for my ALONE time not for my dumps lol

  5. My boyfriend says "All guys like to read. We don't always eat right. I love to relax and read, it's like my favorite thing."

  6. because since we have our pants down anyway we sometimes go ahead and m********e while we are in there... 2 birds with one stone so to speak

  7. We like to read.  

  8. Blame it on our heavier weight. We are taller so our muscles in our hips are bigger than women. And guys have metabolism lower than women. Combine the two and you have very tight muscles with low blood flow. Our bodies have to relax, due to sitting down, and the muscles have to loosen up.  

  9. They're probably not really taking a dump. They're masturbating. If it takes more than 5 minutes there's definitely something else going on.

  10. Constipation

  11. Not me I getter done

  12. Well first off, 30 minutes is beyond normal. Even 5 minutes is too much, so don't be so full of yourself. When a any person takes longer than say 5 minutes to deficate, it is because their diet is poor, and lacking vitamins, fiber mostly, whole grains etc. If it is full of fat, cheeses, and meat, like many americans, than yes you will take that long.

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