
Why do guys tell girls useless information to try and talk to them?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 18 and i was wondering why guys tell girls (or at least they tell me) useless information. is it to try to talk to me or whut?

for example,last week i was at a restaurant and the guy serving out drinks brought my coke in the can and said "it's caffenated" see. and he took the can and looked at the ingredients and pointed to where it said "caffiene" and he said "see, its caffenated" i was thinking to myself, wtf, of course its caffenated,its coca cola. wtf. why do guys do this?




  1. because they can't think of anything worthwhile to talk about or interesting to attract someone.

  2. LMAO!!!! Poor guy, he doesn't know what else to say.  I would burst out laughing if that happened to me.

  3. This will change as the men you meet get a little more mature.

    In most cases, it is probably an attempt to strike up a conversation and, as you have already observed, a lame one.

    Most guys are not very good at approaching a girl they don't know.

    This is sheer inexperience, not an attempt to be annoying.

    Cut 'em a little slack.

    Now, if the REST of the conversation is a dumb as the opener..kick 'em to the curb!

  4. maybe it was late when you ordered it?

    maybe he thinks all people who consume caffine are drug addicts?

    maybe it was the way you asked? maybe you were not nice?

    maybe its because the table before you gave him a bunch of flack about caffine free and caffine?

    for example ... i will be up all night long on just one can of soda/pop.

    why did this seem strange?

    why didnt you ask him about it?

    go back and find him and ask!

    are you sure girls dont do this stuff?

    also if you havent gotton laid in a very long time the oppisite s*x will annoy the heck out of you.

    did you find him cute at all or even think his body was nice this might be the reason why?

    sorry to be so blunt!

    are you pretty?

    got a good looking body?

    then maybe he was stalling so he could be next to you longer and stare at you?

    maybe he was very sad lonely and depressed and he was sucidal and you were his only hope for conversation?

    maybe he was on drugs?

    maybe he was possed with a demon?

    it took me years to learn how to talk to a pretty girl because i wanted her soo bad. now i just go up to them and say i want you soo bad.

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