
Why do hamsters get big cheecks??

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it has it on both sides lookes like two small carrots are stuck on both sides of cheeck.




  1. since the early ages hamsters have little pouches in their cheeks used to store food later in their life used for their growing patterns and mating. the bigger the cheeks on a hamster the popular it is for a mate. it's explanatory for them to store food for the future

  2. they have pockets on the inside of their cheeks basically

    so they store food in them.

  3. if your hamsters cheeks seem to be constantly swollen (with food or bedding) it seems they may have become impacted. this is where objects and food get lodged in and the hamster is unable to remove them, therefore the lining of the cheek pouch can become split and this leads to infections and abcesses. if this is the case, you should see a vet.

  4. Cuz they stuff food in the cheek pouches they have.

  5. basic care books will explain that they do in fact stuff the pockets inside their cheeks with food.

  6. Just be careful with your food and make sure it's not too huge or sharp or anything, in case they cut themselves.

  7. I have a hamster too and i also know that those huge cheeks that go all the way to his front legs are for storing food. Hamsters store the food in they're pouches and go back in the burrow and hide all the food which they eat later. Some hamsters hibernate so don't be suprised to find your hamsters storing too much food!

  8. It's so it can store food in it's cheek pouches, but it makes the hamster look very cute(>3<)

  9. Hamster's cheeks pouches are a marvel of nature and I am yet to stop admiring them for this beautiful idea they have evolved over the years to help them store food.

    Cheek pouches in hamsters are used to store food which they can retrieve later at a more convenient place and time.

    Why the cheek pouches?

    Hamsters in the wild are mainly burrowing animals found in the desert. Since they go burrowing and hunting for food over long distances and cannot come back everytime to their home to store food, these cheek pouches evolved to help them storing the food temporarily until they can go home and store it.

    Also in the wild, hamsters keep changing their nests a lot to escape predators and again these cheek pouches helped them transport their stored food from one home to another.

  10. Hamsters store food in their cheek pouches. This is a natural behavior and all hamsters do it. Their cheek pouches can extand half way down their body!

  11. It is storing food in them.  It is taking food to it's hoarding area (possibly its bed) to eat later.

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