
Why do harley guys think everyone is jealous of their ****?

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Are you jealous of the guy who bought a black and white tv?

Are you jealous of the guy who bought an engine-free push mower?

are you jealous of the guy with an 8 track player?

there are few things that are old that are actually "good"




  1. I don't think anyone is jealous of anything of mine, nor am I jealous of anything of yours. I buy what I buy because I can afford it and because I want to. I don't care what you choose to ride, why do you make such a big deal about what I choose to ride? It is MY choice to buy and ride what I want.

  2. I know what your saying.  It is positively insane for someone riding a paperboy bike to call Lance Armstrong on his carbon graphite state of the art racing bicycle jealous.  Or call the carbon graphite bike c**p for being so light and not made of good old moly steel.  And that more than one gear is bad and doesn't give that nice slow ride.  

    On the other hand if the guy on the paperboy bike sez that his bike most suits his style even though it's slow and heavy.  Can't argue with that.  Whatever floats your boat.  I know exactly where they are coming from even though that particular bike isn't my thing and the price seems a little out there.  And alot of Harley guys have just that attitude.  

    It's just the noob posers,  fanboys, fashion victims and those who just like a good argument with their morning coffee that espouse the 'Harley is best and everything else is c**p' party line.  And then the original sane guys fall into the argument when we diss them in responding to the kool-aid drinkers.

    I love antiques and especially antique motorcycles and flying machines, to me there is nothing cooler.  But a chrome plated b&w tv with tassles on the k***s built in 2008, not jealous.  Not jealous of the fat truckstop waitress on the couch either.

    DC....It's an americian shame that americian bikes stopped evolving and having competitive performance back in 1960.  This is lazyness.

  3. Excuse me!  I'm a rare vintage kind of good!  Why do you think people collect antiques.  They appreciate in value over time!

  4. harleys are extremely loud, obnoctious, and ulgy.. and 85% of the time the rider is a scumby, middle aged, long haired, fat


  6. Ok, your analogies are a little 'extreme' but I guess I agree, in a sense.

    Harley's are loud and annoying.

    A guy on my block has one he drives to work and I guess he thinks everyone wants to hear it roar down the neighborhood at 6am every day.  Still haven't figured out why.

  7. My wife and I both ride Harleys, I've been riding them for 35 years. I guess I'm not "one of those guys".I'll tell you that I believe that a Honda is probably the most reliable, and best buy for your money out there.I just like Harleys.I think a person should ride whatever bike they prefer.I don't know why anyone should be jealous of something that they really don't want.

  8. Most of us don't think that everyone is jealous of us.

    I do, however, think that you in particular are jealous of our intellect.

  9. Harley Davidson 105 years of tradition unhampered by progress!

  10. Is that the best you can come up with for today?Your slipping Mag.You probably made NBT happy though,gives him a chance to do his daily rant.

  11. Everyday I get on here and read over the questions on motorcycles.  Every time I see one on Harleys, I click on it, not to see the answer, but to see your negative comments on them.  Did you get run over by one?  Beat up by a guy who has one?  Go to a dealership and get handed attitude by the staff?  Seriously, what happened?  You spend more time spewing hate for HD's than most people spend riding.

    Example Question: I have an HD 2004 and am looking for an air cleaner cover.  Any Ideas?

    Your answer:  You should kill your self by cramming a grenade in your mouth and pulling the pin, make sure that you do it in front of your family so that will be killed the skull sharpnel.

    Then you chime in on other people's answers if they MENTION HD.

    Example Question: Are vespa's cool?

    Example Answer from Dixie Ann:  Yes, I think that Vespa's are great, I have one along with a HD Dynaglide.

    Your answer:  Sure, Vespas or whatever.  Dixie Ann, you should realize that you are a f**kin total a** and should lower yourself fee first into a vat of acid, so that you can suffer the most that way for enven mentioning HD at all.  HATEKILLMURDERDEATHGREEDSATANHDS**K!

    So, what's the deal?  Why on the hate trail?  Really, I'm curious.  If you hate them and hate the people that ride them, then you should be GLAD that they ride HD's and you know instantly that you don't have to waste time getting to know them.  Right?

  12. i don't think many are jealous of my harley.... i think the likes of you are jealous of my harley because you're so f*cking infatuated with them

  13. I hear ya.

    I appreciate a nicely built harley, I pretty much appreciate anything that someone has put a lot of time and money into to make it his own bike or car. But I dont appreciate the guy who owns one down the road that leaves for work at 4AM and rides it past my house flat biscuit. Neither do my dogs.

    Yeah, harleys are very basic in design, and they have always been. They dont handle, they dont stop, arent reliable and leak oil. (stereotypes but mostly correct)

    They do look cool, sometimes, but Im certainly not jealous of someone who owns one, nor do I want to own one.

    Look, different strokes for different folks. My opinion is the only V Twin that sound s**y is Italian made.

    I like older bikes like Triumps, Nortons and Beesa's but there is no way I would own one as a daily rider.

  14. I really do not now. Id rather have a speed bike that stylish instead of an harley. their pretty good but their just too ewww. Feel ya. Yo Yo Yeah Yo...... Yo Dog Shizzle my nizzle homs peace frizzle nizzle shizzle peace.................................Yo

  15. Well Magz, it is because jealousy is the only emotion that propagates the type reaction some non Harley folks, like yourself, have to this brand. People like you spend so much time and effort trying to put down on Harley's. No one acts that way just because they don't like a certain brand of motorcycle. I'm not saying you want a Harley, I'm saying folks like you are either jealous because of the fact there is a brotherhood there you don't belong to, or the fact that even though you do ride a superior bike performance wise many people still think Harley is the holy grail of motorcycles. I personally am not one of those people, I am simply making a statement about human nature. I have many racing championships under my belt and not a single one was won on a Harley. I love Japanese motorcycles and owe my entire racing career to them. I was even a Yamaha factory support rider for 3 years. All of the reasons guys like you state for disliking Harley's just doesn't hold water. Over-priced?? A Yamaha Royal Star is almost the same price as a Harley. Outdated technology?? They use the same technology as most Japanese cruisers, but yet you don't make the same comments about a Honda cruiser. There is obviously some underlying emotion that drives people to claim so much hate toward this brand of motorcycle and all the reasons you folks claim are total BS. You just think long hard and do some serious soul searching about why you make the comments you do. Also one more point. The guys here that claim Harley is the only "real" bike are just as bad as you and are partly at fault for the negative image some people have towards Harley. I'm sorry everyone, but the truth fuc*in' hurts.

  16. I don't think anyone is jealous of my ****.  

    I have recieved a lot of compliments on my bike, as well as a lot of bikes I've owned in the past.  A couple were Harleys, several were not.  I've also complimented others about their rides over the years, some were Harleys, some were not.  

    Who doesn't enjoy getting a compliment about their bike? Ultimately I don't care what anyone else thinks, but it's nice to meet people once in a while with a shared interest, who can  appreciate whatever bike it is, and what it was designed to do, regardless of what their own preferences are.

    I'm not jealous of the guy that bought the b & w  t.v.

    There is a solar powerd lawn mower out that is pretty cool.  

    I still have some 8 tracks, they are all laying at the bottom of a closet somewhere.  I prefer satellite radio, cd's and my mp3 player.

    What I don't get is the "you own a Harley, so you belong in this group" attitude, or ripping on someone because they like something different.  Even 9 bad said there's "nothing wrong with loving old technology".  

    If my bike didn't have the sound, ride and look the way that it does, I wouldn't want it.  Yeah, I know when it comes to 'out of the box' performance, it's not on the same level with some other bikes out there, but those other bikes do not look, sound or ride anything like my bike.  That's just my preference, I don't look down on the people that own them, some of them are my friends...some are a$$holes, It's what they want...great for them.  To each his/her own.

  17. Please don't be jealous of my ****. It embarrasses me.

  18. I love Harley Davidson Motorcycles. I can appreciate the lines. I like the ride; when I switch rides with my buddies. I revel in the amount of torque they produce and the sound is music to my ears.

    But I am not jealous of people that own them. You see; I have never owned one. I probably never will. A Harley does not lend itself to my riding style and the shifter is on the wrong side. I appreciate that not all riders share my preference and I don't criticize or insult them for their choices.

    I also like a well tuned sport bike and from time to time I borrow a ride on them too. Actually I don't believe that I've ever ridden a bike that I did not like. However, finances dictate that I can't own one of each.

  19. You try to deny your inner desire to own a Harley by displaying this overly aggressive way of trying to put them down.

    Kind of like how latent homosexuals act overly macho to try and deny their inner feelings, Of course look at your avatar.

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