
Why do hens need a rooster to make eggs?

by  |  earlier

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just wanna know i have been wondering for weeks.




  1. they dont they only need roosters for making fertile eggs that have chicks in them

  2. no, not to make eggs... you only need a rooster to make baby chicks...

  3. Yes.. I have pet chickens :) ... they need a roster

  4. The hens will make eggs even without a rooster, but the rooster is the male that will fertilize it, as with many species of animals.

  5. They don't need a rooster to produce eggs - they just need the rooster to produce FERTILE eggs.

    Otherwise all they'll lay are eggs good for eating :)

  6. LOL.... well.. a hen can lay eggs on its own without the rooster but the egg wont hatch.. The egg that the hen lays without the rooster is the  one people eat. If the hen mates with the rooster, the rooster fertilizes the eggs. Those eggs will hatch... =D

  7. Hens don't need a rooster to lay eggs.

    But if you want baby chicks, the rooster has to fertilize them.

  8. I am a hobby farmer and know that hens make plenty of eggs without a rooster.  You only need a rooster if you want the eggs to be fertilized to make baby chickens.

  9. do u now the birds and trhe bees

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