
Why do hockey fans put down the Nashville Predators so much (please read on)?

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Of all teams that deserve praise, the Nashville Predators rank high on the list. Here is a young, skilled team that plays all-out hockey on a nightly basis. However, almost everyone who doesn't root for the team wants to run it out of Music City faster than anything. My question is this: why rake Nashville over the coals when teams such as Los Angeles, Atlanta, and Florida are the jokes of the NHL?




  1. I always "rag" on the Predators because they beat us all the time.I hate losing to them.But as a Bluejacket fan ,I am frustrated and bitter.If you think about it,the insults are really a compliment.You don't pick on those other teams because they are irrelevant.Nashville played the Cup champions very well in the Playoffs.They are well coached and always play great Hockey.So at least for me,its a bit of frustration coming out.But I do RESPECT them.It really hurts to say that.

  2. Trotz is given what he gets, yet rallies and make the playoffs pretty much every year with a less payroll! GREAT COACH!..................Nashville gets a bad rep beause its NASH...... but to me they are the IDEAL small market team right now.... they make the playoffs spending less!

    need I say more? FLA and CLM and PHX should take notes!

  3. I am an avid Predators fan.  I live about 70 miles east of Nashville and attend games when I can.  I used to be a season ticket holder until the Predators ticket people and management made it harder and harder on the season ticket holders.  

    I don't put down the Predators players or coaching staff.  There is some awesome talent there.  I put down the management.  Season ticket holders could not pick out the games they wanted as of last year.  They increased the prices but that wasn't all that bad.  They want (and need) people to come out to the games, but they make it ridiculously hard to do so.

  4. They put them down cuz there are to many teams being joke on!

  5. Florida the joke in the NHL? Not at all. Right in it for a playoff spot the past three years in a row until the last game of the season.

    I have no issue with Nashville. I have watched many of their games and do like how they play  . They do not deserve what gets heaped on them. They do have issues with finances That the Panthers do not have. That is the only thing I would say that would be in the negative

  6. I think Nashville has a solid team.  I just don't like Jordin Tootoo.  They have a great future goalie in Dan Ellis and hopefully the team will stay in Nashville because their crowd can turn it up in the playoffs.  Of course, GO WINGS!!!!:)

  7. Snoop, I sometimes wonder the same thing.

  8. I wonder the same as well. It drives me crazy hearing about it all the time. I mean come on, how are you going to bring new people to hockey with out shaking it up a little? Sure, in 98 Nashville was a non-hockey town...but that was 10 years ago! this have tremendously grown since then and everywhere you look in TN, new in-line and ice teams are popping up. Hockey in TN is beginning to thrive like never before. I live in West TN, and although Nashville is a 2 hour drive...I know people that are season ticket holders and make that drive for every home game. But anyways, not to get off topic...I feel people can't tell me that because a team got moved from Canada back in the nineties...That you can still hold a grudge against us today.

    I grew up in NJ so I was well familiar with hockey before the Preds came, but let me tell you, I think it is amazing how people who have never even heard of it are taking to it and loving it!

    Nashville needs a Franchise Player yes, but that will come in time. I think it is incredible how well this team is doing as it is. Remember that for a week or so in 07 they were first place in the league...and even after the fire sale of all their big name players...They still made the playoffs.

    And for the record, Tootoo still isn't as bad as Avery.

  9. Because, although nothing personal against the city of Nashville (I love country music when it was country music - not what's out there nowadays) - but Nashville is NOT a hockey town...

    Until they obtained an NHL franchise, I'll bet there weren't 2500 people in Nashville who knew diddley squat about hockey, or how it was played or any of the rules...

    It took some awful good "promo" to sell the game there, and luckily for Commissoner Bettman that it worked a bit (still not 100% concrete) because he would have really been in the motza ball soup if it hadn't especially after denying other cities that richly deserved a new or defunct franchise.

    And bi the bi - I'm orginally from the city that OWNS the most Stanley Cups in history.

    Rachelle In High Heels

  10. I don't think many people do.  I don't understand why they are the first non-hockeytown to take the heat when it comes to Canadians losing franchises (or Hartford, Minnesota before the Wild brought them back...etc.), because there are 8 teams further South than Nashville.  Still, I think a lot of people recognize them as a competent expansion franchise.  The fanbase could stand to grow, but even Andreas Lilja noticed the intensity and noise when the Wings went to Nashville in the first round.  Given a chance, I see potential in the Nashville fanbase.  I think they are the best expansion team of the decade, although they desperately need to win a playoff series.  Mostly a hard working, classy team other than Jordin Tootoo and Dan Hamhuis (even dirtier than Tootoo, just not as g*y of name).  Unfortunately, Radulov's greed and dishonesty will hurt the team.  However, my friend from Nashville said fans were up in arms when the franchise was nearing a move.  I support Nashville, who has been Detroit's only regular season competition for the last 5 years, and in my opinion, our biggest test in the 2008 playoffs.

    EDIT - Idle, go Wings, but you're completely wrong about Barry Trotz.

    2nd EDIT - I didn't know they booed Mike Modano.  That upsets me.  They should take pride in their American brethren's accomplishments.  When a Canadian Leafs fan recognizes the disrespect of a superstar from Michigan that plays in Texas, you know you need to work on your sportsmanship, class, and respect for the game.

  11. No drama with the team itself (they have a wealth of young talent), but this team has zero business existing in Nashville.  

    I'd make the same arguement over several teams (all in the American South); Florida, Atlanta, etc.

    The team doesn't draw despite on-ice success, has terrible tv ratings, is at the bottom end of the revenue food chain, and the this local consortia of owners has to go to the town council to get welfare (that's public money to keep them afloat), meaning they're not self-supporting.  Their "head" is currently in bankruptcy protection and might well end up in the McNall/Rigas wing of the league's upstanding owners.

    On my side of the border, there's a sentiment that this whole imbroglio with ownership/relocation was shady, at best.  For me it was a boatload of smoke, but no fire.  

    Meanwhile, the six Canadian clubs contribute a disproportionately high amount of income in comparison to the 24 US clubs (and these clubs also have higher attendances, and contribute more in terms of tv rights dollars; the US free-to-air package doesn't contribute an upfront loonie to the league; compare that to the billions and millions by basketball, baseball, and the NFL).

    And, as noted...don't boo an American star like Modano when he breaks a record.  Just poor form.

  12. Plain and simple, Snoop-- Preds were the ones who were on the verge of being relocated to Canada.. and it would have come to pass if the man intending to buy would play by the rules..  I have noticed that 95% of the criticism comes from the "golden horshoe" area-- Canada.. Perhaps rightfully so-- these people are hungry for hockey more than we will ever be..  Just get a new frontman to make the proposal (Let Balsille be a silent financer until the deal is complete-- he will find a way to s***w it up)..  

    Attendance is GREATLY mistrued -- Nashville is the only team in the league with an attendance clause in their lease.. What this means is that ONLY paid attendance is reported-- not actual numbers.. Comp tickets usually average a little over 1500 per game.. Add that in and Nashville jumps well into the top 20 in league attendance.. But, I wouldnt expect many outside Nashville or that has endured the previous 2 seasons rollercoaster summers to know this.. So attendance is not as bad as it is led to believe.. And FINALLY with a SOLID and COMMITTED ownership group in place, the franchise made more money last season than at any other time in the 10 year history..  Craig Leipold DIDNOT lose 70 million as he reported--- REMEMBER, the city of Nashville desperately wanted a main tenant (aka- sports franchise) to occupy the barn.. Leipold was SELECTED to be the frontman for the NHL expansion.. Leipold made a ONE TIME investment of 60 million and Gaylord Entertainment picked up the rest of the tab for expansion AND --- THE TAB FOR THE NEXT 7 YEARS.... Leipold lost NOTHING!!!! He made out like a bandit when he sold the team-- (Notice he sold AFTER the arena changed names to the Sommet Center so as not to tick off Gaylord Ent.)  Boots was going to try this same approach, but had less money than Leipold -- MUCH LESS..  Craig Leipold was the reason for Nashvilles lack of corporate sponsorship..  

    Nashville is in fact #1 in the NHL for 3 years running in INDIVIDUAL season ticket sales-- meaning-- more  individual average fans buy season tickets than corporations buy tickets-- ( It was found that Nashvilles ticket distribution for the 07 season was 65% individual and 35% corporate-- a complete opposite of EVERY team in the league..) And some say we have no fans--- The fans are carrying the team.. But now that Freeman and Co. are in charge--- things are changing BIG TIME.. Corporate sponsorship up 30 % in only 6 months.. Now we just need a few seasons to get back to the form we once had before Leipold gutted us and ran off to Minnesota..

    For the Modano sympathisers--- I was in attendance the night of the Tootoo incident and you OBVIOUSLY missed the blindsided swing and contact by Modano to Tootoo with his stick.. No penalty was called.. Later on-- Modano broke the record and there was no P.A. announcement-- Disrespectful - yes.. I applauded when some in the crowd-- CORRECTION-- Many in the crowd gave him our own standing O..  From then on out I have Booed him---- will Boo him when he returns and will continue to do so because I guess that big man was too afraid to take on a 5'9" BEAST in a FAIR fight... If heckling bothers you ; let me suggest you move on to a softer game -- like Curling or something---- THIS IS FREAKIN HOCKEY--- TOUGHEN THE h**l-UP!!!!!  

    Here is the video-- judge for yourself -- LMAO-- Poor Robidas-- shoulda known that was coming...

  13. I don't have a problem with any Nashville players except for Tootoo and I don't really like the Nashville fans. I mean come on booing Mike Modano after making personal history. No respect for them.

  14. Because they have tootoo

  15. because people don't have patietnce and wait for pred's 20-23 year olds to develope

  16. The team is a good model of how an expansion team should be run.  They have kept the same coach and have been able to build some good teams.  But lets not lose sight of the fact that it has NOTHING to do with the team on the ice, but the ownership and city they are located.  They have never had a viable owner who wants to keep the team in Nashville.   Sure, the last few years the Preds have drawn pretty well because they are a good team, but why would players want to play there when there is SO much financial uncertainty.  That is probably why Radulov left.  Also, in the years where the Preds are a bottom feeder, Are they really going to be able to keep fans interested and draw good crowds???  I just don't see it happening.

    The problem is the fact that Gary Bettman is blind to the fact that hockey is a niche sport.  He wants to "tweak" the game in order to force it down the throats of Americans.  But in reality, he is just pissing off the real fans.  Expanding the league to traditionally non-hockey markets is an example of this.  Its okay to experiment with a few markets, but seriously... Miami, Nashville, Atlanta, Carolina, Phoenix.  All these cities have teams while Winnipeg, Quebec, and Hartford loses their teams... and there are no teams in cities like Milwaukee.  Also they talk about KC and Las Vegas... how long will it take Bettman to realize that forcing the game down peoples throat doesn't work.  Now, no disrespect to any true Preds fans, but the team would be more viable in a hockey market, that's just Economics 101.

  17. well for the one the coach is an a*****e idiot. plus some of the players ( i said some) are lame *** head hunters. worst team ever.

    GO WINGS!!

  18. i am from murfreesboro ive been to 10 games there aeswome we can never make it past the first round. i dont know why they do? were always good tho, we need a bigger name in a franchise player tho like a sidney crosby we have a great goali tho we actually had two great goalies

  19. Well one reason is they are the Detroit Red Wings 6-1-1 mark every year which is a reason besides TV people think the Wings should be in the East.

    I agree that Atlanta and Florida need to be terminated but when Nashville had the thought of being moved back to Canada (Hamilton) and the NHL said no after moving teams from Winnipeg and Quebec City well you are going to get backlash from hockey fans

  20. they are a great team but the only reason they have ANY attendance is so the people can find a quiet place to listen to their country music on their ipods but i do think that they are the joke of the nhl and if it wasnt for bettman theyd be down here in cambridge or at least soouthern ontario

  21. It is simply because Nashville does not sell many tickets have have terrible management. The team is solid, but the head office is just a laughing stock.

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