
Why do hockey goalies carve up the crease with their skates before a new period starts?

by Guest44669  |  earlier

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I've noticed NHL goalies doing this after the ice has been resurfaced. They'll stand in the crease sideways (looking at the side boards) and rapidly dig their skates into the ice alternately, like they're skating in place. Then they'll use the blade of their stick to plow all the ice shavings they create out to the perimeter of the crease. I've seen a lot of goalies do this, but I can't find anyone to tell me why....




  1. for a few reasons, one so that the ice they skate on isnt so slick, and they can keep their footing easier(sounds stupid when you are on a sharp blade, but its true.  Also so the ice isnt so slick and a puck wont slide as easily behind them. (they will try the smallest things if it will make a minute difference, obviously)

    Also they put the shavings to the side just in case a puck is slowly trickling towards the goal line, maybe it has a chance to stop when it hits the shavings.  

  2. gives you a better grip on the ice moving around, And slows things down, so you can slide side to side without sliding right out of the crease when you stack the pads or whatnot. It also slows down the puck, and when the puck is dribbling towards the goal line after squeaking through the goalie it gives the goalie time to reach back and stop it or brings the puck to a stop on it's own.

  3. I've been playing hockey for 35 years but never asked a goal tender that question. I'm guessing that shaving the ice like that would give a goalie some grip moving side to side. It would slow the goalie from sliding out of the crease when kneeling on his pads (also added friction). pushing the snow to the sides of the net and on the post will cut down on rebounds although I dont know if that is legal at the pro level. The more I think of it though, It's got to help the goalie move while off his skates particularly on his knees.

  4. I do it because it helps you get used to the net and it gives me a better grip on the ice

  5. I always did it because it helped me grip the crease better. It also helps my butterfly slides. I don't go out of control because the crease is rough and it makes it so I don't slide as far.

  6. as a goaltender, I can verify the first answer.  those are the only reasons why I ever did it.  didnt do it to look cool, thats for d**n sure.

  7. Goalies will do a scrape for several reasons:

    -remove any standing water

    -scrape out any small ruts or indentations

    -a good way to stretch your leg muscles

    Once you're done, the ice is then easier to glide on for doing t-glides as well as going down to make saves.  You don't want the snow in your crease; ideally you want it outside.  

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