
Why do horses get put to sleep with broken ankels ???

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why cant they repair the damage like in the kentucky derby yesterday?





  1. The issue deals with blood flow and other horse illnesses, including Laminitis.  

    Barbaro, the kentucky derby winner two years ago suffered a broken leg two years ago.   The skin was not broken and they tried to save the horse.   since the horse does not want to put weight on the bad leg, it puts a lot of pressure on the other legs, and that causes Laminitis, a very bad horse illness that has killed many horses, including the greatest horse  ever, Secretariat.    

    Eight Belles had two legs that where broken, and the skin was also broken, which means that it was exposed to infections, and they had no choice.

    The day before there was another horse who dislocated his ankle, but since it was just one leg and did not break the skin, he is at a horse hospital and as long as he does not get Laminitis or a infection, he will live.  

    Attached is the wikipedia entry for Laminitis

  2. Because they cant repair the damage and it would be cruel to let them suffer. These little legs have to hold up large heavy animals and if they cant bear the weight they cant stand up.

  3. It was very painful for Eight Belles. The bones had broken, and had actually stuck out of her skin. There was blood, and she was in so much pain. The chances of recovery were very low too.

    It was such a tradegy tho. RIP eight belles.

    Kitty- sorry. i can understand why you are angry. but i just wanted to say that thoroughbreds like to race. their breed needs horse racing to stay alive. they are competitive, fast horses. Eight Belles was in pain. it would have been cruel to make her suffer like that, and the chances of recovery were low. in my opinion, they did the right thing. but i agree, it was such a sad thing to happen.

  4. because its painful for the horse and it is really hard to heal and it is almost impossible and it takes a long time

  5. My opin.. they should never of been in that sorry condition..i hate horse racing with a passion... i hate what they do to racking horses also. Poor things have no choice on the matter.. taken advantage of by their owners. I just cried when eight belles went down. Saw it on the news.. Her breaks were too severe to heal. If they kill horses i think they should kill humans too when they cant get well also.. But this is just my opin..

  6. A horse is a complicated animal. Unlike humans you cant tell it not to move it and there for the horse will more than likely try and stand up and the weight of the horse will cause it pain

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