I see these horses out of my window, four of them. They drive
carriages for tourists. Carriages made look like 1900th or something, with hoods that go up and down. The horses are white with grey spots, grey with white sport, two with trimmed manes, and two with long manes. They are working very long hours, and come back to stables at 12 p.m. or even 1 a.m. in any weather, any season, heat or cold. They go to the centre of the city, and stay there, waiting for the tourists or anybody to hire them for a ride. They are very pretty, and they know traffic rules and stop on the red light. But I was told that once they are old, and not pretty, and can't drive the carriages fast they will be sold to a slaughterhouse to made into sausages. It seems so unfair, they work so hard for food and lodgings only. I wondered why there are no pension plans for them, so that the owners pay into it, and when the horse is old, it pays for its stable, hey and vet out of it?