
Why do human beings continue to hide the "truth" from them-self?

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It's seems to be an enjoyable game.

It's much like running in a circle, is it not?

The quality of a fox is running in a circle to catch its prey.

Foxes are very clever.

Humans are very clever.

Does this mean that foxes and humans share the same quality, that of being clever and running in circles?

I have thought about this for some time and am very curious as to how religious and spiritual people feel about these shared qualities, between humans and foxes, running in circles and being clever!

Just curious........




  1. They choose to believe in what others think and not of themselves no matter how wrong it might be. Those who choose not to seek the truth will not know the truth and will not confess when they are wrong.

    "The knowledge of the secrets of the Kingdom of Heaven has been givin to you, but not to them."

  2. And what is your particular truth?

  3. Hiding the truth implies that one has the truth contained, and can stash it away and worry about it.

    Chasing the truth means choosing to spend energy questing, searching, running in circles with no guarantee or an outcome.

    Aren't I clever!

  4. I think it may have something to do with the song liars and cowards.

    I've noticed it's liars and cowards who play "their part": whereby God is evil(law) spoken of, of "their part" vs "your part" in 1Peter 4:14; And the "contrary part" of laws vs grace is the law. So "your part": whereby God is grace glorified, is some better thing of twain; But it's still not yet what's best for all = neither many nor few.

    For I've also notice when perfect-ion comes then part-iality is done away in 1Corinthians 13:10, followed by when man kind (blessed the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin), then childish things (laws: law vs law: of them vs them: of children vs children: and servants vs servants) are put away.

    So then it's about maturity, growth in grace to the point law (childish legalism, which makes one proselyte more the child of h**l than other fools, hypocrites, vipers, and blind guides who sat in Moses' Seat: Law) is flushed as dung (done away, taken away, put off, put away). For only by pure grace is mercy and peace multiplied.

    The other wise: earthy, sensual, devilish wisdom: law: both good + evil (ends badly), breeds false peace and safety followed by destruction: 1Thess 5:3; breeds forgiven + tormented after: Mt 18; breeds saved + destroyed after: Jude 1:5; breeds blessed + cursed = accursed. By the using of laws, which are against us, all perish: Colossians 2, perish the thought: 2Corinthians 10:5.

    There's truth about the law: it sucks:

    Law: I will forget you and I will forsake you.

    There's also truth about grace: it's sufficient:

    Grace: I will never leave nor forsake you.

    There's wrongly dividing the word of truth: soul<-->spirit,

    and there's rightly dividing the word of truth: laws<-->grace.

    But "the truth", which makes you free, has no mention of L-w.

    The GRACE of our Lord Jesus Christ with you all. Amen.

  5. Dude that is over my head

  6. It's how the ego can keep itself alive. But the universe is set up for eventual illumination. Trust that we can all awaken and you will help it happen.

  7. Sadly some people think they can fool everyone including God but interestingly they are so smart they end up fooling themselves and know it not. God says "A man shall get what he strives for" . Let all strive for nothing but what is good, pure and contributing to society. God's peace and blessings be on Jesus, Moses and Muhammed for showing us a path good for all of us. Thanks for your question. Peace, Love and Blessings!

  8. Hey, that's deep !!

  9. Well, let me see, there is the circle of love that is manifested by yin and yang coming together to make love, the union of consciousness and energy, Shiva and Shakti dancing, it's not really a process of being clever it's simply following the whispers of the path with heart. : )

  10. Cunning as a it not so?  But then, we "outfox" ourselves again and again and again (perhaps this is the circle to which you are referring?).  The fox is our conditioned ego personality, accustomed to running in circles, staked to the center by one foot in ignorant habituation, going nowhere faster and faster.  Fox needs to slow down and observe its fruitless behavior patterns.  Who is this wily one dreamrunning?  Is it the fox, freely "choosing" such an empty existence?  Or is it the fox's false identity that goes along with what always has been and creates more and more entanglements?  Aaaaah!  Fox must halt the crazy-making groove he is deepening and come to a stop, a full rest, a paws, er, uh, pause.  Take a breather, fox...look around you.  Where exactly do you think you are going?  Will you ever arrive at the end of the circle?  If not, why not?  The only alternative is to shake the monkey(mind) from your back, fox, that drives you so relentlessly.  Who are you, after all?  What is beneath that fine fur coat?  Are you more than what you seem to be?  Only way to find out is to watch/observe your ego identity, and divest it of its many, many lies/masks/habits.  There now...doesn't that feel better?  Look...there is your original face, your true nature.  You have only taken on the form of fox as a temporary experience.  Yahoo!  You are free at last...awake, conscious, connected to Source in full agreement and alignment.  Have you finally "out"foxed your "self?"

    i am Sirius

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