
Why do humans fell the need of being loved?

by  |  earlier

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just curious coz i just got that now!




  1. i wish there was an answer to that cause i feel that  way most of the time  i guess that's what seperates us from machines  i am thinking that if we did not feel that way then we wouldn't interact with each other

  2. No one likes to be lonley.

  3. I don´t know but I´m sure it´s necesary

    but I believe you say the love with a girl friend or Wife

    because the love of mom to a son or vice versa is instinctive

  4. For me, i am just an insecure person. I need to be loved in order to love myself...or something like that.

  5. Love is a learned emotion, you learn it from observing your enviorment; so it actually possible to never experience love if you haven't learned it. Anyway I belive love exist as a way for the female to keep the male long after reproduction has occured.

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