
Why do humans grow wisdom teeth?

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What's the evolutionary advantage? They do nothing but cause pain, right? Shouldn't they be vestigial structures that stopped developing so largely by now?




  1. its a caveman thing so the more years that go by the less people have have my mom only got 2 of her 4 some poeple dont get any

  2. It's not too long ago since mankind started to take an interest in dental hygiene.

    Earlier on, people lost their teeth at a much younger age than we do now. With the loss of their teeth they lost the essential chewing function. Now your wisdom teeth errupt in a much later point in your life than your other teeth. So if you've already lost your 'regular' teeth, around your 18-20s you'll have 4 extra teeth!

  3. I believe it's part of when our ancestors had bigger jaws that could hold the extra teeth. We still grow wisdom teeth for the same reason we still have a tailbone. They're residual traits from our distant primate ancestors.

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