
Why do humans have 2 communiction systems?

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verbal and nonverbal




  1. telepathy is another way.

  2. don't forget the economic communication that is used.

    ....can you afford me?

    I understand that this too is nonverbal however, it speaks to the implication of an instinctive drive for successful mating.  So, it implies a priori knowledge within the individual prior to any contact with an actual prospective mate.

  3. I got 4

    Desktop PC......E Mail/ Messaging

    Laptop   .......     E mail/Messaging

    Landline ...   .    Verbal

    Mobile phone.....Vebal and Texting

    ...and STILL people say I am hard to get hold of.

  4. convey a message to their listeners and observers...

  5. Only two?...What about chemical?


  6. Just to make good of the shortfall each system have . When one doesn't produce the expected response the other will help .

  7. If one fails, we have another

  8. Because 3 would confuse them.

  9. Maybe the nonverbal communication evolved before speech did and since it is still useful it hasn't been lost.

    Other animals communicate with noise and gestures too, dogs wag and bark, horses neigh and put their ears back and so forth.

  10. To divide communication systems in to two by calling them "verbal" and "non-verbal" is like declaring there to be only two religions:  Jewish and Gentile,  or Christian and non-Christian, or some such.  Anything and non-anything.  

    There are many, many systems of communication, as well as subclassifications within those systems.  For example, verbal:  there is direct speech between people, as well as telephone communication, and various forms of written communication (e-mail, handwritten letters on paper, texting via mobile devices, and so on).  Then there is physical body language.  And a subset of both verbal speech and body language is nuance of voice.  There are also telepathy and the various psychic senses.  There is communication by placement of physical objects:  for instance, by leaving a letter on my desk, my husband has communicated to me that he has brought in the mail.  There is communication by inference, which can be any one of the above or a combination of any of them.  There is communication by symbols, which can be a number of things, as well, such as drawings, (actual individual specific drawings, or standardized systems such as Chinese, Egyptian hieroglyphs, Mayan hieroglyphs, and so on, which can be a subset of verbal )  And there are probably others that I'm not thinking of at the moment.

  11. Actually there are 3 systems - 3rd one is  physical...think about the people how can not speak and called Touch therapy...

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