
Why do humans have hair concentrated on the head?

by Guest64917  |  earlier

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Whats the purpse to having a bunch of hair on our heads? Does it somehow help our survival?




  1. It is a silly question like why my nose is on top part of body. It is a human genome programming setting of hormone to grow hair their more. Hair has no functions in body. It made out of protein and it is found in animals, plant etc  

    Types of hair on body are >

    Lanugo, the fine hair that covers nearly the entire body of fetuses.

    Vellus hair, the short, fine, "peach fuzz" body hair that grows in most places on the human body in both sexes.

    Terminal hair, the fully developed hair, which is generally longer, coarser, thicker, and darker than vellus hair.

    Hair Indicates >

    Healthy hair indicates health and youth (important in evolutionary biology)

    Hair colour and texture can be a sign of ethnic ancestry

    Facial hair is a sign of puberty in men

    White hair is a sign of age, which can be concealed with hair dye

    Male pattern baldness is sign of age, which can be concealed with a toupee, hats or religious/cultural adornments. In modern times, it can be reversed in some men with minoxidil (marketed as Rogaine or Regaine) or finasteride (marketed as Propecia); see Baldness treatments

    Hairstyle can be an indicator of group membership

    Hair grow and survival is uncertain says lab.

    Hope now you are happy?

  2. Earlier, human used to have hair all throughout the body like animal. But gradually human being started wearing cloths except on head. So to protect the head from heat of the sun, we have hair on our head

  3. the head loses a lot of heat so the hair helps hold it in

  4. Hair will protect you from lossing too much heat.  At 15C the heat lost from the air is about one third of the total loss of your body. As temperature lows down, you will lose more heat. So that is mother's gift.

  5. Um.. yeah, we lose a lot of our heat source through our heads, we also have hair under our arm pits. it's usually in area of high friction, which is also why we sweat there, we're prone to distribute more heat from those areas.

  6. It keeps up warm by preserving heat. Hair also cushions the body against injury.

  7. The hair is a part of our body's integumentary system. It serves as one of our many lines of defense. The short hairs found around the eyes, ears, nose, and eyebrows serve as our protection. The ones around the eyes, ears, and nose prevent foreign matter, such as dust, from entering the body. While the eyebrow reduces the amount of light that enter our eyes.

    The hair also assists in touch reception. This is why all skin surfaces possess hair, fine though they may be, except in thick areas such as the palms of the hand and soles of the feet.

    The hair can also serve the purpose of keeping us warm. When we feel cold our hair becomes erect and it creates extra insulation that makes our temperature rise a bit higher than our surroundings. It also traps air next to our body, thus, helping in the reduction of heat loss.

  8. My Anthro teacher told us that it was to help protect your brain. If you think about it, there's hair around all of your "important" areas. Eyebrows for your eyes. Men have hair on their chest to protect their internal organs, etc.

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