
Why do humans have legs?

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I have a friend who wants to know why humans have legs




  1. so they can get around, legs also hold us up.

  2. Legs----> Food------->Hands--------->Mouth--------... mates etc evolution wise!!!

  3. To run the 100 metres in 9.69 seconds

  4. Great question - I've often pondered this myself. I mean, it's not like we need to walk or anything.

  5. To walk

  6. Evolution - Over millions of years we have adapted and changed to survive.

  7. Why,can't u walk?

  8. 65 million years ago we had four legs, we had to run away from other four legged creatures so it was basically apocalypto, we used to eat dinosaur eggs until they were wiped out.

  9. So they can ride bikes!  :)

  10. to walk with them

  11. if we have four limbs like animals that mean less controlling balance than two

  12. Why not

    We need them

    how else we will move around

    I know we have cars now and life is much easy

    but life without legs,,, sad life

    Thank you God

    Please help me:

  13. So that we can move and live life to the full!

  14. Humans have legs so they don't drag their privates on the floor !  =) lol

  15. They tend to come in handy for walking around on (tell your friend).

  16. so you can walk.. wots up with these questions?

  17. The non-legged variety couldn't run away from T-Rex.

  18. so we can walk

  19. *laughing*

    For locomotion!

    Without legs we wouldn't be able to walk!

  20. You can call it a biological anomaly. It is a result of a mutation from legless to with legs, and apparently the 'with-legs' survived better, thus the legless became extinct due to competition and natural selection(this selects the fittest of a species). So humans, or whatever we were then started having legs. Read up on the geological time scale and Darwin's theory of evolution for a start.

  21. From an evolutionary point of view, it was more beneficial to have them than not. Any trait in any living thing has benefits which help survivability to procreate. Mutations are happening ALL of the time to every living thing. DNA does NOT reproduce itself exactly every time it divides. Mutations can be good, bad or neutral.  Good things which enhance survivability carry over to offspring as do neutral things which neither help nor hurt the chance of having offspring, but bad things die out relatively quickly. If you do not believe in evolution, then you can blame it all on your personal choice of a god or gods, or a creator or even an intelligent designer...

  22. Many reasons first off all it is evolutions process. The thing is why we have two legs and way we are walking on and have hands. Again Many reasons first it cost you less energy to walk on two and that is great for survival. Second it is better because you can see predators when you get up. The development of hands also made us have two legs this contributed to the development of the intellect.

    Probably started as curiosity about fires and and maybe when food gatherers had found nut.

    So it is a process that happened before the Homo Erectus (the upward man).

    There is also and sexual benefit to the two legs(a lot of sexual poses) we all know how much we think of s*x so this two must be the reason for the early humans.

    Why we like girls with long legs and boys with big torso (see about monkeys sexual dimorphism).


  23. otherwise, when your bladder is bursting, how do you think you 'run' to the loo???

  24. Otherwise we wouldn't reach the ground.


  26. This should be voted the most pointless question

  27. cos we just do so we can walk

  28. Because millions of years ago, a fish had a genetic cell mutation, allowing it to grow legs and walk on land. That lizard grew into a mammal, which eventually evolved into an ape, and finally humans.

  29. God asked one of his servant if he wanted to play FOOTBALL.

    so he created legs for hhumans

  30. If we did not have legs we would have to A**e around!   ;-)

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