
Why do humans look lilke humans and not like apes?

by Guest62972  |  earlier

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i know part of it is evolution




  1. First of all, we are apes! And yeah, morphologically, we do appear somewhat different from the other apes (DNA and other molecular evidence tells a different story, but I digress..), and its probably due to us inhabiting a different ecological niche as we were evolving. If I'm not mistaken, we evolved out on the plains and savannas, whereas the other apes evolved in forests. The different needs of each niche lead us to appear different externally.

  2. because we are humans, not apes

    why do dogs look like dogs and not like cats?

  3. Mr. when u can studies the theory of Charles Darwen u can get ur answer.byee

  4. We've adapted to be more competitive. We've grown bigger brains for one thing and that requires a lot of other physical changes.

  5. None of it is evolution, dumb a__!  Humans look like humans because God created us to look like humans.  Apes look like apes because God created apes to look like apes.  Get it?!!!

  6. Because we didn't come from apes. lol

  7. Yes. It is part of evolution. Theoretically, it's because humans no longer need the body features of apes because a lot of them have migrated to areas that are warm and mostly barren... say somewhere in Africa. They no longer needed the ape fur so they have been discarded over time. They no longer needed the physiology of the basic ape anatomy so they have been discarded as well. And since human beings started using their brain for hunting more than their brawn, that part of our body has been developed even more.

  8. well look much closer u will find that all animals looks like each others..

    but the human is diffrent

  9. If you look closely we do resemble apes a little bit.


    On those two links, guess which one is an ape skeleton? Which one is a human?

  10. Why does a Ford Focus look like a Ford Focus and not a Ford F150 - they both come from a Model T.

  11. Because God made us this way.

    Even if you do not believe in God, evolution is still a theory for a reason. As much as those who preach evoltuion as a fact would like it to be, it is not a fact, it is a still unproven theory.

    It is important you understand why evolution is still an unproven theory. Contrary to what many woulod like you to believe, there is zero evidence linking one animal directly to another. So when you hear people say something like "We know this came from this because of this bone, or that fin, or this traight...", it's simply not true. It may be what they believe, but it falls far short of proving evolution.

    So evolution is not the answer.

    Keep it simple. Why does a dolphin look like a dolphin and not like a manatee?

    Because they are different.

    And, oh by the way. I do believe things evolve; a species of bird that lives in an area where

    having a long thin bill makes it easier to find food will likely end up slowly having longer and longer bills as those birds are simply more likely to survive, procreate and therefor pass on their long bill genes. But I do not believe a gecko will turn into a monkey one day.

    And to those who say things like YES, and give you the example that humans didn't need fur because they live in hot stupid is that? Brainwashed to the point you think humans evolved from monkeys and lost fur along the way because they live where it is hot? How many species of monkeys, as a percentage, live where it is not hot? THINK!

  12. because humasn are like humans that' why it does not look like an ape.

  13. It is ridiculous to ask such a question. Evolution doesn't state that apes turned into humans any more than it states that carp turned into giraffes. The nonsense that the creationists spew is designed to make it appear that evolution is unproven. Just a couple of small points. When a scientist ponders something, wondering if it might be feasible through scientific testing, it's called hypothesis. After scientific method is applied and some sort of proof is arrived at, then it becomes theory. If you truly think that it is more feasible to believe that an invisible guy who lives in the sky snapped his invisible fingers and "poof" people appeared, than to believe that when the smarter ancestor built a shelter to protect themselves from the cold and were able to propagate offspring with a better chance of survival, beating out the branch that hid under rocks, and that the reasoning skills progressed along with the lack of need for body hair to keep warm, not because of migration to other climates, but the ability to think and create shelter to live in any environment, then, when the more intellectually capable offspring didn't have body hair, it wasn't a fatal condition, because of the ability to shelter. How moronic is it to state that you believe that things evolve, oh, except the ones who have evolved the furthest. "All the other animals evolve, but the invisible guy in the sky created us."

  14. Some people do look like apes.

    We are humans and that is why we look like humans.

    Why don't oranges look like apples?  They are both fruits.

  15. Life is so ambigous. it just happened that way. Evolution on our part got a lucky break because we were able to manipulate our environment to our comfort and thus increased learning like a tier or series of steps where we bypassed the apes. We also manipulated how we look simply by choosing how  we live and accept our looks as the norm. If we looked like actual apes.. then we wouldn't know any better but love ourselves for what we look like and then the "human" appeareance will be alien to us. We wouldn't know the difference.. we would still feel the way we do now as humans.

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