
Why do humans need explanations when animals and other lifeforms seem content with things as they are?

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Why do humans need explanations when animals and other lifeforms seem content with things as they are?




  1. Animals and other life forms cannot talk and therefore cannot ask for explanations in any case. Humans need to analyse things more and need answers and knowledge so that they can learn from it. I am not saying that animals aren't as important, just that they dont really have to plan for the future as such, and accept their lives as they come more than we do. Humans will always usually question things and need explanations for things that they may not understand or agree with, plus, we have a bigger memory span and more capacity for thinking than other lifeforms...

  2. Don't be silly...

    ...everyone's looking for the cheese.

  3. Not necessarily. When you lock a dog in a cage he barks, jumps, growls, etc. at you; that's his way of asking you why you're locking him up and walking away.

    Although animals possess limited communication skills, they do possess a certain amount of logic which is dependent on their level of "intelligence."

    So, as you can see, it is not only humans that need explanations; most life forms need them, and they manifest that need in one way or another.  

  4. How do you know that? Who says animals are content with how things are? You are not Dr Doolittle and can't talk to the animals! Maybe they are there wondering what life is about, what it all means and contemplating the after life!  

  5. Because humans are rational beings; therefore they want to know why.

  6. animals are perfectly adapted to their environment and unless something comes along and disturbs that they won't change...that's evolution.

    because we are the most intelligent animals we are constantly feeling threatend by something so we are always trying to fix it.

  7. Because when humans evolved, they grew their intellect, because they didn't have any other defense mechanisms to help their species survive. Other animals have speed, claws, thick skin, flight, etc, but humans have nothing like that. We're soft, slow and firmly stuck on the ground.

    So that's why other animals seem content. Because they didn't have to develop intelligence to survive like we did.

  8. Its hard to conclude that animals are content, i mean we may not be content with the daily routine yet we still atend to it, as we are unable to communicate with it is hard to say they are any more content than us, perhaps they too are searching for the explanations too life. Yet perhaps they recognise that the mundane duties must be completed.

  9. 8 The contentment you perceive may be anthropomorphisation. In fact, we barely know anything about how much, or what, animals and other life forms feel.

  10. Their parents taught them that, that everything has a reason. And thus, we keep explaining the same things over...... and over...... and over....


  11. animals and other living things were not created with a rational mind. they are only guided by natural instincts. but for us, we have a very wonderful and powerful brain that shows how wise god is. Genesis 2:26 tells us that we are created in God's image. that does not mean that we look like God, but we have the capacity to imitate God's personality and thinking. we are designed to think, to decide, to reason! we have our spiritual side, the faculty most unique amidst physical life-forms! we were created with the knowledge of the metaphysical world and is aware of our world.

  12. God created humans with the highest capacity to think, explore and explain, but sometimes and most of the time we never get satisfied due to extraordinarily vast ideas we get from various resources. This makes us different from animals and other lifeforms.

  13. Human is not satisfied with pig's contentment because he is

    more discriminatory and more evolved than animals.

  14. Animals work out hypotheses and theories about the world just as humans do, the difference is in complexity, which directly reflects the complexity of the nervous system for integrating and systematizing sensation.

  15. Humans generally have more advanced thought processes and better communication skills.

    Whilst we are not necessarilly superior, we're distingused amongst animals because of our search for answers.  

  16. Because we're better than the animals

  17. Animals build homes, hunt for food, care for their young, fight other animals, spar with others in their group, they communicate with each other (birds, dolphins, etc...), they fly, swim, run, and roam country sides, play together, and have sx together, eat, drink, and enjoy all the good of their labor.

    But why do you and I require explanations?  That depends upon your philosophy.

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