
Why do hurricanes originate over water?

by Guest56145  |  earlier

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Why do hurricanes originate over water?




  1. Because moisture is the main source of energy for the development of hurricane and also for sustaining it.Water vapour produced by the evaporation over warm water surface goes up and condenses releasing latent heat of condensation which sustains it.

  2. because a hurricane needs water to grow stronger.

  3. Land is solid and it's hard for hurricanes to develop. Water helps cause the rotating action. Land prevents it, so hurricanes loose their energy over land. Then they get stronger if they get back to the water.

  4. low pressure and high pressure meet , ussually over water. and there ya go.

  5. A tropical hurricanes primary energy source is the release of the heat of condensation from water vapor condensing at high altitudes, with solar heating being the initial source for evaporation. Therefore, a hurricane cyclone can be visualized as a giant vertical heat engine supported by mechanics driven by physical forces such as the rotation and gravity of the Earth. Most of what causes the hurricanes are a combination of heat, twisters and other convergent factors, that have increased due to pollution.

  6. Hurricanes originate over warm tropical oceans. In fact, the heat of the water provides the energy needed for the storm to develop and maintain itself. Water at temperatures below 26°C (80°F) does not possess sufficient heat to generate and sustain a hurricane. This is why hurricanes in the northern hemisphere develop in the late summer or early autumn months, when Caribbean and Atlantic Ocean temperatures are at their warmest.

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