
Why do husband buy everything for projects around the home but never do the project?

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Over the last few months, we have had major ant problems. He must of spend about 300 dollars on ant fighting products but they are piling up in my garage. He hasn't done one single treatment. I do what I can but we were again at Lowe's today and yet he spent about 40 more dollars on ant killer granuals. But yet, he came home and went to bed? WHY DO MEN DO THIS????




  1. Are you sure we aren't married to the same person?? My husband does the same exact thing. He LOVES Home Depot but doesn't know how to do a d**n thing around the house. Perfect example: The base board molding in the bathroom was nasty so he said he would replace them himself ( good lord I nearly broke out into a cold sweat! ) so I said fine go ahead.....3 years later and they are halfway complete...then he says he wants to tackle another project but doesn't start or finish that one either.

    I think they like feeling manly and macho while shooping in the big manly tool store, makes them feel good around the other manly men.

  2. I think they actually believe they've accomplished something by buying the supplies. Getting them to use the supplies is a whole different matter.

  3. LMAO that is soo true, they feel like 'yup Im gonna take control of that' then they get side tracked cos the footys on, or they have to go and do something else 'manly' that requires their immediate attention.  Your better off going to use the stuff yourself then do it wrong and suddenly he'll come riding in to show you hows it done!  One way of getting hubby to follow thru, works for me!

  4. Need you to motivate us to use the things.  Maybe if you started and needed a little help then he would finish the job with you.


  5. Why do men go to bed? That's obvious! (winking)

    I have a suggestion for the ant problem; plain old cinnamon. I put in or at the site of the ant invasion, they back off quick!

    • Black pepper is a nonlethal, poison free, cheap, and safe way to get rid of ants - sprinkle the black pepper where you see them congregating and watch 'them scatter. Follow them to where they're exiting - which is the same spot they're entering in at - and sprinkle the pepper at that spot to keep them from coming back in. It's safe to use in your cabinets, on windowsills, near your pets and kids, around food, etc.

    • I have a book with several tips for the use of apple cider vinegar. One of them is getting rid of ants.  Make a mixture of 50/50 water and vinegar and pour it into a spray bottle. Spray the surface with the solution several times a day. Ants guide themselves with their scent. Vinegar has a natural chemical that alters ants' scent and which ants avoid.

    • My husband was in conversation recently with a gentleman in the pest control business. This man preferred to use environmentally safe methods to control pests. His recommendation for ants was: equal parts Windex and Ivory Soap. Simply mix, and spray problem areas.

  6. bc men are stupid! tell him use it or lose it. give him a week and return it. works for me. men are just that way.  

  7. Simple... they live in the moment! They can't process long term thinking like us higher thinking species known as women!

  8. Because he gets distracted and wants s*x!

  9. It's the same thing when women buy exercise equipment.  They never use it!!!!!!

    I don't mean to sound harsh, I was just being honest.   Men never finish home projects, and women buy things they don't need.  What's wrong with that?   Don't give me thumbs down for telling the truth, that's not fair.

    Luthers Mom:  That explains why you have 0% best answer.

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