
Why do husbands have s*x with their wives than go outside to be with another woman?

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but yet, they say their still in love with their wives




  1. more flovors of ice cream.

  2. Why do wives have s*x with their husbands while doing another guy? It's not a male or female problem. Some people are just selfish and greedy, and that's all there is to it. They put lust ahead of love.

  3. Honey, some men are just REALLY bad at relationships. Kick him out until you can trust him, it's not worth getting hurt.  

  4. I'm sorry to hear that this has happened to you...or whomever.  It is sad that many men (and women) step out.  But, there is probably something missing in your relationship that you may not realize isn't there anymore.  If you want to save the marriage, try to spice it up a little by trying something different in the bedroom, kitchen, dining room...h**l even the shower.  Make suggestions about different place you two can go alone.  Don't make work your life and he shouldn't make it his (if that is an issue); Don't put your family before him (many may not agree with that comment but when it comes down to it...he is your husband and no one elses: family tends to be very judgemental when your having marriage issues); Don't discuss the problem with "friends."  Get a counselor and work on it.  If, after then, it doesn't work and he doesn't even act like he wants to try...s***w him.  You can do bad by your d**n self.  

  5. Is this what happened to you? The wife should get a  new husband. Just because he left her doesn't mean she has to live her whole life in sorrow.

  6. Men can separate love and s*x, women have a hard time separating the two.  You didn't mention your age.  When men are young they may be more apt to be cheaters.  The question you have to ask yourself is whether you can accept this sort of behavior.  There are guys out there who don't cheat.  Sometimes younger guys mature and stop the behavior and sometimes not.  It is a character issue.  

  7. it sounds trite but i'd say the man is searching for something in the other woman that his wife no longer provides enough of or never gave.  some also believe that men are genetically programmed to conquer other women. i believe this is half true  

  8. cuz we some motha ****** dawgs!!!!

  9. how come girlfreinds find it nessesary to sleep with boyfreinds best freind in the same bed the boyfreind is sleeping in?

  10. He obviously thought that he wouldn't get caught.  He also belives that that women is doing something for him.  She is doing something for hi, "helping him get a one way ticket to damnation".  We are living in the days of uncontrollable sexual desires. Temptation is running seeking whom it may devour. You have to remember that it is nothing you did or did not do.  You continue to do your best -trust and believe he will get what is coming to him.  Don't beat yourself up. Go out and do something for you. Read self empowering books, Get in touch with your old friends,  Stay encouraged my sister.

  11. It does not make sense does it. Some people are just not loyal. They cheat and they always will. Some love their spouses but are just not happy. As weird as it sounds cheating is not usually about s*x. They also seek companionship and other things in other people. I work with a man that always cheats. To hear him talk he has a great marriage. He seems happy and his wife is great. She is gorgeous and he says he loves her. If you see them together you would think that you wanted a relationship like theirs. His father cheated on his mother all of the time and acted like cheating was normal. He thinks that it is normal too. You should see some of the s****s that he runs around with. The only requirement is a v****a. It is terrible.  

  12. Guys are intrigued by women that show interest in them, especially if it's of the flirtatious/physical nature. While the husband may indeed love his wife, he is still aroused and excited at the idea of the chase & conquer of another woman.

    Very true of what other answers have said about possible trouble in the relationship, and the loving husband seeking his sexual fullfillment elsewhere.

    P.S. Thumbs Up for the answer from 'Brenda S' !

  13. i htink s*x just means more to some people than it does to others some people can have s*x casually and others cant i'll never understand how anyone can do that  

  14. Some married men will have s*x with their wives and have extramarital affairs, as well.  Some men claim they need more than one women to be satisfied.  I do not believe these husbands truly love their wives.  They are selfish, and self-centered and ought to be single.  I do not believe the woman is always lacking in something, so the man looks for what he needs elsewhere.  The point is you do not have to stay married.  You either fix your marriage or leave it.  Life is too short, to be miserable or make your spouse miserable.

    Some men are just not thinking.  If they are, they are thinking with the wrong head.  Some men do not think of consequences.  Because if they did, they would not cheat.  Some men do not look beyond the here and now.  There may be some hot women flirting with him and his instinct is to pounce.  What is in front of him looks really good right now and an hour later, the thrill is gone.  Some men just hope they do not get caught and no one familiar has seen them sneak out of the hotel.

    The truth be said, a married man who cheats on his wife, should leave his wife.  Or she should leave him.  The man isn't thinking and furthermore, can bring home a STD or HIV from his selfish and thoughtless acts.

  15. Love is one thing, but some men just need better s*x, sorry but it's true

  16. i think if husbands truly loved their wives, they wouldnt cheat.

    if you loved someone, you wouldnt hurt them

  17. I think the relationship is missing something maybe emotionally, and they find it in another woman. Then they cheat. And some just want s*x.

  18. I don't typically go outside. It's cold and rainy out there. It's more comfortable merely to head into the next room.

  19. some men want the best of both world- u need to be careful -if a man really loves his wife -no matter what the problems are -he would never do that -find a man that loves u unconditionally

  20. I dont doesn't seem very loving to me! Its bad for a mans health to play around like that...not only AIDS and STD's - but the frying pan that can come out of nowhere

  21. I'm confused by going outside?  You mean leave the house to go have s*x with someone else in the yard?

  22. some are not satisfied at home or just full of greed

  23. BECAUSE!!!......Some people are more sexual than others!!!! Repeat this several times!

  24. First of all dont put all husbands in the same category cause their not all like this.

    The ones that do cheat do not love and respect their wives enough to stay faithful.

    Edit....     Well by saying husbands your implying that all husbands do this..Why not say why do some or many husbands do this.

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