if I had a husband that did what I did for him...I WOULD BE JOHN POPE to him. But it seems like I did it all and he did everything he could to push me away. Then I talked to different men and I hear ALL THE TIME, divorce him and marry me, I will show you a "real" man. So why didn't my husband see what he had. I did it all, cooked, cleaned, pampered his ego, never quesitioned his whearabout, prayed, picked up his slack of the bills, found him his job, and redid his resume to get a promotion, NEVER brought up what I did for him in his face. let him win the aruguments to keep the peace; If I moved his car out the drive way and saw it on E..filled up the tank. Oral daily....kept the cabinets stocked; cooked "healthy" food, worked out, kept my looks us, I mean the list goes on and on, but yet...he never appreciated it. Even now, we are separated and don't press the issue about him seeing his kids or giving me money. Although I did file for my support papers and divorce this week. But up until this point, for the life of me, I don't understand why he didn't see my worth. I'm sure soooo many other wives and women are dealing with the situation. I hear, "you are weak and let him walk all over you" or "you just were a dayum good woman and he took you for granted" Should I change when I meet the next guy or stay the same? It was natural for me to do, it was from the heart. So dunno just wanted to hear you all opinions