
Why do i ahve to uncheck the e-mail thing when i ask a q now

by  |  earlier

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i aleady done it on my profile.




  1. I agree. I don't want hundreds of emails

  2. aw babe,they are making you work hard aren't they:(

  3. Must be set to the default and not connected to the settings that we have set. yahoo have done it again most likely will notice that and do another update.  

  4. i just noticed that, i kept getting mail

    everytime i got an answer, thanks for reminding me, better go sort it,,,, cheers babe

  5. It's annoying isn't it? I keep forgetting to untick it and end up with tons of emails - well some anyway, lol. I keep forgetting you have to put in your own question mark now too, stupid Yahoo!

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