
Why do i allways get nasty and into fights when im drunk?

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Last night was a bad night infact the worst night in my life, which i do go out alot recently and get into daft fights, last night my freind stabbed some1 and got caught, and my other freind is also in hostpital for the amount of Ecstasy in his system, last night was a brilliant night untill my freind overdosed on Ecstasy then well all went into a riot with a group off boys who sold him the drugs, untill i realised today i want to stop having nasty nights like this, but iam not going to stop drinking! Thanks




  1. Well, you don't have to stop drinking but try to drink a bit less.

  2. Your choice man. You know how alcohol affects you so by choosing to drink (to excess) you are choosing to put yourself at risk for violence...the problem is, you put others at risk too and that's not fair. Your foolishness is your business, but you've no right to allow it to affect someone else's life in a negative way.

    Karma...what goes around, comes around. There will be balance. Consider that next time you get boozed up and start acting like an idiot.

  3. I would lay money on you being a Stella drinker. That sh*te is responsible for more admissions to A & E and the law courts than any other substance, including heroin and cocaine.

    Is not called Stella Act-a-t**t for nothing.

    You know what to do, stop this nonsense, if you dont?  You or someone else will be dead or mutilated. Don't be a knobhead all your life, grow up.

  4. Carry on like this and you might end up either dead, or behind the bars.  

  5. Honestly, I think the best idea is to learn your limits. Dont stop drinking but maybe not drink as much. Limit it to like 3 or 4 beers an hour or 2 shots an hour. Do your best just to watch yourself or ask a buddy not to let you drink as much. And, when all else fails, avoid other drunks.  

  6. Maybe it's the places you go and the company you keep. Next time you go out, seriously sdon't drink so much and watch everything that goes on carefully. Examine it all as if your were an outsider and gain some insight as to what goes wrong. Maybe it's that you stay out too late and the later you stay out, then bad things happen or it's a partcilar club that gets your blood boiling. Check it out and see.

  7. You know the answer stop drinking believe me you can enjoy yourself without drink or drugs  I know I will get thumbs down but it is the truth

  8. I'm nearly fifty, I had my last drink when I was 23yrs old.  It was difficult to give up because I was convinced that getting drunk was the greatest pleasure in life.  I fought everyone.  

    In reality I was behaving like a prize dipstick, messing my life and future up.

    Plenty of people go out and get smashed when they are young; however, they continue to go to college, work and eventually they grow out of it.

    For other people the drinking is a symptom of deeper disturbances.  People whose drinking is a compulsion and they do it repeatedly against their better nature.  They do it because they don't function well in normal day to day living and this is what it is a symptom of.

    If you have difficulty stopping I'd recommend a calm rational approach and take a look at

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