
Why do i always feel down?

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I'm gabzhier, i always want to be alone, i don't even want to talk to other person, i like sitting alone,i don't even laugh at school, cause i don't have any reason to do so. I became like this when my ex-girlfriend left me after all the thing i've done for her... Now, my motto is :

"no girlfriend,no pain and no crying"




  1. When did your ex leave you?

    If your MOTTO is, "no girlfriend,no pain and no crying"

    Then why are you still in pain?

  2. Na bro dont say that dont through your life away just cause of some girl who messed up your life.You know the best thing is to forget about her and mocve on with your life.Do want you want and be who you are.Weather it to be laughing joking around or any other things do it.Why you making one girl do this to you.You still have so many things to learn and see.Don't let one thing stop you from doing want to do.The only reason why you feeling like that if because you make  yourself feel bad about yourself.Stop feeling sorry to .What happened happened get a new girl go out have fun.Dont let one person kill your dreams your life your goals.IF you dont have one starting thinking about that.Theres so much out there move on with life.

  3. You feel down because your girlfriend left you.

  4. your depressed... go see your Doctor

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