
Why do i always get side-stitch when i run?

by  |  earlier

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i count every single breath and i run on a treadmill..most usually 6 mi/h breathing in for 4 out for four. i always warm up first and slow it down when i get side stitch but the side stitch will go away then ocme back after i start running




  1. make sure you always breath out a lot, not to quickly and in through your nose, out through your mouth

  2. All I can say is to just make sure your breathing evenly and sipping a little water. Thats what helps mine go away.

  3. First, make sure that you are hydrated.  That's what usually causes the stitch.  If it's still there, try stretching the area.  If it still continues, you may have a pulled muscle.

  4. I used to always get sideache problems. I do this stretch after warmup where i lay down and kind of do a parachute skydiver stretch until it stretches my side. After I do that, I never feel it again. Try it. Maybe I'm not being specific enough but you just lay down on the ground with your hands on the floor and arch your back to stretch. Kind of hard to explain... Sorry if I'm not explaining well...

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