
Why do i always go back to him?

by  |  earlier

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alright so when i was a freshman, i met this kid carmelo. he was soo sweet and nice and i started liking him,,, i dont feel like explaining everything but i am now a senior in high school and i am still like .. liking this guy. ive had other boyfriends but i just go back to him. he has screwed me over soo many times (before we even like HUGGED i swear, he had screwed one of my 'best friends' " he is always a huge jerk to me but i let him be .. how do i finally get over him? my parents dont approve of him because he used to always call so late, and they would always see me sad when i heard he had another girl.. but i really want to get over him. its so depressing that i cant lol. he just knows the right words... what do i do ???




  1. Realise that u deserve nothing BUT THE BEST!!!

    We have all been there at one stage "getting over sum1". and yes its hard!!!

    Just get out there and have fun!!!! and ull soon 4get about him!  

  2. You should ask yourself why you would let a person treat you in such a disrespectful way and still want to be with him. You must learn to love yourself. If you had a BFF that treated you in the way that this person you speak of does, would you tolerate it, probably not. Your feelings for this person are just a waste of time and energy for you. You deserve so much better. You deserve to be with someone that's going to treat you with love and kindness, that's how a man treats a woman when he likes/loves her. Sounds like he has issues. Calling your house at a late hour only shows that he has no respect for your parents, maybe he's used to dating girls who's parents don't care but obviously your parents do and they also care about you which is why they don't like him. They don't want to see thier babygirl get hurt.

    Go find yourself a boy that's will treat you the way a young lady should be treated.

  3. realize he's a player and move forward.

    he's not worth the heartache... it may take time to get over him, but remember all the c**p he pulled on you... how did you like it?  not very well, i'm sure.  it won't stop.  

    you deserve much better!  

  4. unfortunately, you have to not think with your heart.  being a hopeless can mess ya up.  

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