
Why do i always have to restart my computer for itunes to open?

by  |  earlier

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every time i turn my laptop on, and when i click itunes, it never opens.

but when i restart it, and click on it. it'll open.

why won't it open the first time?

and i tried uninstalling it and reinstalling it, and that hasn't helped.

and i tried going to "Run" and typing in Itunes.exe and that doesn't work either.

it's really bothering me.




  1. It is either a software program. So try and uninstall both iTunes and Quicktime. If that doesn't fix it, it might be a hardward or driver problem so you might have to restore your computer with the recovery disks that it came. They might also be on your harddrive.

    You can also try the forums or support.  

  2. you have a virus.

  3. my hunch is it's a basic incompatibility with your system and the mac made itunes software.

    you may want to try other things to solve the problem.  check itunes for settings to disable the program from loading when windows starts.  sometimes this hangs up programs that are always trying to start but don't for whatever reason.  

    you can also hit ctrl +alt +delete to bring up your processes and active programs menu... if itunes shows up in the applications tab, but isn't "showing" on your screen... it means it's bugged or frozen or otherwise glitched... checking the processes tab.  you can look for the itunes processes that always run... if itunes.exe is running there... or running multiple times.  that might be a reason it won't load when you want it to.  also... shutting down ituneshelper.exe or itunesupdater... or whatever else is "itunes" in the process list may clear out the c**p functions that're blocking the larger program from starting.

    with you saying it works fine... after you restart... that sounds like.  either... when you restart.  open itunes once... close it.  and then come back to it later... whether it's an hour.  or days.  it seems like something didn't close right.  

    sometimes even things like your comp going idle, or screen savers mess this kinda thing up.  for "always on" type programs.  

    making sure the program is... all the way off.  before trying to start it.  might give you a better clue as to this being the actual problem ( not shutting down properly)

    itunes also updates weirdly... and it's combo with quicktime sometimes causes conflicts i think.  especially if you use windows media player... the designation of quicktime as subordinate to media player i think messes up itunes... or the two programs don't play well together in their jockeying for control of your comp.

    if there's not an obvious conflict... with multiple processes... or bugged instances of the program running... it may be something else on your computer that is conflicting with itunes...

    anti-virus software is normally the biggest culprit in mysterious system mishaps on software that have lots of moving parts, access the internet within themselves, or run updaters, or checks and whatnot on files... ie.  itunes looking up CD art... may p**s off your anti-virus somehow, causing it to disable or block it somehow.  or somethiing like that

    other persistently on programs... like aol im, or chat programs, that tend to be online, or connected even when the program isn't "up"  maybe be tying up some system resource or ip port or something.  can try closing those... setting their preferences/options so they don't load automatically when your computer starts. a general rule. recomend deleting from your computer extra toolbars, gizmo programs, or updater bars and utilities that you don't use... or game programs that you don't regularly play or that were played once, and forgot about.  those free programs,  weatherbug, googletoolbar, wild tangent ...etc  tend to be ad supported... and constantly ping-ing out info.  so if something that normally works on your computer stops working... those programs should be the first to go.

    also... if reinstalling your itunes software didn't help.  you may consider the load itunes puts on your system.  

    ie if you've got 10,000 songs.  each at 3mb each.  that's a lot of data. especially if some of it is stolen online downloads or ripped from friends CDs or otherwise not pristine data.

    can try a basic defrag... through the start > acessories > sys tools menu

    or disk clean up type utilities.  

    these basic programs sometimes fix little glitches in how your computer is going about looking for data. along with the tried and true... making sure all your drivers are up to date.  suggestion.

    also... with upgrades to itunes... sometimes, if your computer is really old.  you may have upgraded beyond the level your computer can function.

    can try downloading an older version of itunes.   ...i mean, from one upgrade of itunes to the next.  nothing really changes except how much control they have, or info they snoop.  maybe that's what's gumming up your comp.  

    don't know if any of this helps.  mostly basic computer advice.  as there's no real "reason" why it shouldn't work... with the limited info you've given.

    try some basic things... to try and narrow down the problem.

  4. it might be a error with the software, try re-installing  

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