
Why do i always see things wrong with my wife?

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I love seeing the girls who took very good care of themselves and are very Romantic ladylike,but i dont see these in my wife which makes me to feel different towards her.




  1. I'm the same way.. so I sent her to Jenny Craig.. and in the mean time I found some GF's...   but u know what .. in the end.. even the hottest chicks aren't as perfect as they look.. they still have celulite no matter how thin they are... their b***s look so perfect cause of the BRA!  who   They can look like murder in the morning...  lol....  anyway..  after months of my wife excercising and losing a lot of weight.. i bought her a bunch of tight new clothes.. and happy to say.. she is smoking hott again.. like the women I actually marrid in the first place.

  2. Was she the same way before you married her or do you feel that she changed? Maybe you have it in your head what a wife is supposed to be, and you are blaming your wife because she doesn't live up to your expectations. Does she have time to "take care of herself" or is she bogged down with kids? Does she have a job, or one where appearance is important? Is she depressed (because she knows how you feel) and doesn't care anymore? These are things that only you, and her, would know. My suggestion is to sit down and talk to her. Don't be confrontational, or judgmental of her, but try to get to the root of the problem. If there is no real problem, and that's just who she is, as a person, then you need to come to terms with it and accept her for who she is.

  3. You haven't looked in the mirror lately.

  4. Ya know, a marriage isn't like it is in the beginning where you guys have to try to impress each other.

    My fiance (our wedding is in 16 days) says I look the cutest when I just wake up and I'm still half asleep and my hair is all messy... that, my friend, is love.

    You are, well she is, at the point where she feels you love her no matter what.  She feels she doesn't have to look like a model in order for you to love her...

    Sad for her, you're a shallow man who only cares about how she looks and how she can be "romantic lady-like".... what the h**l is that?

    She thinks that you love her regardless of how she looks or acts, but apparantly, she doesn't realize how shallow you are when it comes to this.

    You need to talk to her about this before you start following your d*ck to "the girls you love to see" instead.

    For better or for worse.... through good and bad... remember that.

  5. That makes your wife unique. maybe you prefer the more traditional wife.

  6. And are you still the man she married or does she look at other men and wish you were like them?

    Men get lazy after marriage also.  They always look nice going to work. Smell good and have pleasant attitudes all day long.

    Then when they come home, they put on old clothes, sit down to eat dinner, ignore the wife and watch TV , and go to bed without shaving ,brushing their teeth or bathing.

    Maybe if you change she will.  

    Or maybe if you gave her some extra money ,watched the children if you have any and give her a day at the spa and beauticians she may come home the girl you married.

    Talk to her and see why she doesn't do those things anymore  Encourage her to  look and be the way she was.  Maybe if you started acting different towards her (in a good way) she will be all those things you want.  

  7. Making comparison of your wife with other women that made you get attracted to them because of specific issues that you have not seen in your wife, is an indication of early signs of love lost. You must be sensitive in identifying the precise reasons why you are losing interest with her. If you know the problem you would be able to formulate the right course of action.However, if the element of love still persist between both of you may be it's worth saving the marriage.

  8. That's because the girls you see that take such good care of themselves you haven't seen them waking up, sick, stressed out, bad hair days, during their period etc. I'm sure your wife once had a better vision of you too.

  9. Because you are no longer in love with her, and since you aren't, you two need to go your separate ways. It is not fair to her for your feeling this way.  

  10. Maybe you don't see it because you no longer bring that girl out of her. Have you changed emotionally because that can cause a women to change physically.

  11. A woman that has never cared to look good or s**y will not suddenly start changing, it is part of her personality to be the way she is and you choose her for your wife. You made a lifetime decision so find the way to love her and be attracted to her.

  12. because you're looking for a reason to justify your wandering eyes.

  13. you want to have the fantasy marriage. but sadly it does not exist.  Put the shoe on the other foot...are you always romantic and a gentleman.  Open your eyes a little wider your wife is being romantic and ladylike but you are just not seeing it.

  14. B/c u don't want to see it in your wife!!

    Try harder!!


  16. Coz ur comparing her with other women

  17. Because you are focusing on all the negative things she has over the positive.  There was something there that draw you to her. Sit down with her and tell her or make some suggestion on how she can be romantic and lady like you said.  I'm sure she is not a mind reader so go ahead and tell her your feelings. Also, you need to rethink your thoughts on all the negative you see in her and start focusing on her positive.

  18. She probley doesnt want to impress you. Maybe she is busy impressing someone else.


  20. HIgh expectations can do this to you. You need to see the good qualities in your wife and stop wishing she were like other girls. Now, if your wife is way avoiding her appearance then I can understand your disappointment. Her doing this makes you feel taken for granted, not appreciated. If this is the case, then you obviously need to talk with your wife about how you feel. Do this gently. Good luck to you!

  21. she probably See's the same in you //

  22. Like many other guys, that is why they get so addicted to p**n and then expect for their wife to be the same. What you should do is start suggesting to your wife that she would look nice in certain things and when she does wear it drown her with compliments. That will make her feel good and probably boost her confidence in looking a certain way. Then she will know that she have some lead way in attracting you over anyone else.  

  23. Because your not thinking of what your wife possibly could see that is wrong with you???????????????? What in the world do you think makes you perfect????????????? Keep in mind everything that glitters isn't gold, and everything that looks good isn't always good for you! It maybe looking good on the outside and damaged goods on the inside!!!!!!!!!!!!  That's a logical answer if you ask me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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