
Why do i catch c**p from being a vegetarian all the time?

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I am the only vegetarian I know and I take c**p about it all the time, especially from my dad. My friends like to joke about it at lunch. I'm often called a flake and hippie. In English we studied essays on vegetarianism and nobody really commented on the pro-veg essay but the anti-veg essay inspired a lot of my classmates to to talk trash about me. It really sucks, its hard to stick to your beliefs when you have to take so much c**p. Sure my closer friend say it's cool, but where are they when others say stupid stuff like "How can you eat that apple, it once alive you know!"

I was initially vegan for a few months before I had health issues from my parents not helping me keep a balanced diet (I was 13 at the time and I didn't know how to be healthy) so I went vegetarian instead, and I often take c**p from those who know that.

Why do people poke fun at my vegetarianism, and why am I the only one who ever sticks up for me? I just feel kinda let down, almost like I'm wrong.




  1. It happens all the time, as soon as i say it's okay i'm a vegetarian EVERYONE gets onto their favourite meat and was like i couldn't LIVE without meat when clearly... it's possible.

    nonetheless i also did an essay on vegetarianism, and it made my teacher even feel bad for eating meat:) i wasn't trying to convert anyone just writing an essay on what i know best about. :D

    I know it really sucks to take all that bullshit all the time, my step mom became so bad with bugging me that i cried to my mom because she wouldn't leave me alone. It was pretty horrible.

    One  thing i've learned from being a vegetarian ... and well LIFE is that i am very determined with  a lot of things and i have a lot of self disciple and i'm glad for it. It's also the reason i'm STILL top of my class in i believe ALL subjects....

    It's the same with vegetarianism, and i still believe that if people kept bugging you, you still wouldn't eat meat, after a long time it's not even a question to eat meat anymore, just a reaction to know you don't... know what i mean.  So as much **** as you take it WILL still keep coming, you're definatley not alone.  and in the end i'm sure they're not making a difference besides you feeling a little down. but you know what they say

    what don't kill ya, only makes ya stronger.!!

    so hold up, keep yer head high, because you're the one who is being differen't not a societal drone like the rest :)

    plus.. you have the self disciple.. not a lot do.


  2. Why do I catch so much c**p from my vegetarian friends and vegan friends because I eat meat?

    Just stick to your guns and s***w them.

  3. "I don't support the slaughter of animals, if you do then that's great, my way of not contributing to it is not eating meat and I don't think I should be ridiculed for my choices."

    If they keep teasing you, then there's nothing a good kick in the balls wont fix :-)

    Hope I helped, good luck!

    EDIT: to Szuu, you are a ******* idiot! Plants DON'T have central nervous systems, pain receptors or brains!! The things an organism requires to feel pain. God, people like you make me question and wonder how stupid the rest of the world is. Is that what they taught you in school?

    Plants cannot feel pain by any stretch of the imagination! Go and get an education, then supply a good source that verifies this information, because I know for one - Charles Darwin himself would laugh at your face for insinuating such a ludicrous theory.

    People like you make me want to turn cannibal, jerk.

  4. I've been vegetarian for 4 1/2 years.  Some of it will never go dad still jokingly offers me meat at the table every evening.  The best advice I have is to not bring it up.  I know that sounds lame and whatnot, but you have to understand that although veg may be what we think is right, some people will never agree.  When I'm out with friends/family, I just eat vegetarian and don't bring it up unless someone asks.

    That's the best advice I have.  :-/

  5. Even though i'm not a vegen or vegeterian i respect you as a vegen they just make fun of you because they think its cool try to make a club of vegens where you can all talk about vegen things dont listen to the trash those kids are saying you need to accept yourself as a vegen and dont listen to them e-mail me if this helped.

  6. Well, most vegans I meet talk c**p about me killing animals and being evil. But you seem to be the nicer sort of vegan.

  7. I think you should just not talk about it when you go out to lunch don't make a big deal about ordering a salad instead of meat.  You know...if anyone gives you "c**p" about it just tell them it's what you think is right and that you don't really care that they're eating meat or taunting it in front of you telling you to eat it.  Don't let it bother you!!

  8. You're not wrong, and don't let other people make you feel like you are. As long as you're respecting the dietary choices of the people in your life, they should do the same for you. I know that many vegetarians and vegans can come off as pretentious and annoying when they try to convert others to their lifestyle. I've found that the less I talk about my eating habits, the more curious people are about what I can and can't eat and how I deal with being unable to eat certain foods. If it's really starting to bother you, I'd suggest having a serious discussion with your friends and family about how you feel. I think it's also a good idea to be sure about your reasoning and learn about other positives that come with changing your diet, whether they are related to health, animals, or the environment. Good luck!

  9. I'm not vegetarian but I would just ignore the comments! I personally don't care how a person chooses to eat and I would hope they wouldn't hold that against me either!

  10. I'm not sure but i get tons of c**p for it too!! it's dumb and i don't get it but just ignore it were doing the right thing

  11. Some things are best kept to yourself, unless you're advocating or promoting it...  in which case you'll have to deal with opposition.  If you don't make it an issue, then not many others will either.  White lies can't hurt too much...  say your allergic to meat.  If you want to win a debate on the issue, then have a good counterpoint ready.  Don't rely on the "killing animals is wrong" defense because it is inherently flawed.  Your existence is contingent on all of your past kin surviving on the meat of other animals.  If you just prefer vegetables to meat, than so be it.  Use the phrase "It is what it is" a lot.  If you're confident enough in the cause, then you usually won't have to resort to most of these things.  If you're not confident enough in it, then you might want to rethink you're reasoning.

  12. Well, I eat meat and face cr*p from my veg friendz too.... I think u just cant hang out together... anyways, say them that u don't care about death of animals, but the brutual slaughter they are subjected to. Also, ask some of ur frndz to visit a slaughter-house or ask them why dont they eat creepy stuff like deligacies of the far-east... Thats the sort of cr*p which my friends give me...... LOL

  13. Don't try to let it bother you. If people keep giving you c**p, just remind them that you dont complain/make fun of what they eat, and you're making your choices for you,not anyone else,just wanting to be healthy.

  14. Stop mentioning to people that you are a vegetarian. If you get offered a hamburger, just say "no, thanks", rather than announcing your eating lifestyle.

    If someone presses you for a reason why you are not biting down on a tasty steak, just say that it makes you sick (which it truly would for someone that hasn't eaten meat for awhile) or something rather then announcing its evils. Non-vegetarians always hear a holier-than-thou tone no matter how a vegetarian says that they are a vegetarian.. we've become accustomed to those that preach and make us feel of a lessor human and just act aggressively to vegetarians because of it getting annoying.. even if they may not be actively preaching at us)

    RE those plants that your friends tell you was once alive.. they are actually still alive when you start eating/cooking them. They also feel pain; not the same way as mammals/reptiles/birds, but they do and surprisingly aspirin helps ease their pain too!

  15. Sometimes I think it would be easier if I told people I was a L*****n instead of a vegetarian. (I am not, but for the sake of argument).. People might be less inclined to challenge my beliefs. I would seriously try not to bring it up.

    When you can tell someone is going to start questioning you n a challenging or uncomfortable way, just say you dont like meat. Its just your preference. Don't go too far into your reasons if you don't want to feel like you have to defend yourself. People like to act like know it alls... meat eaters, veggies, blah blah blah.

    Tell them you aren't into talking about it and if they really want to know why you don't eat meat... send them to

  16. People naturally eat meat.  That's why we have canine teeth.  Lots of vegetarians I know do so because they feel it is more "natural" to eat only veggies.  Thus, their obvious contradiction compels me to lose respect for them.  Then, the other vegetarians I know don't eat meat because they don't want to kill any animals.  However, it is natural for organisms to kill other organisms and then eat them.  So, I lose respect for those people, because I feel like they cannot accept the reality of life on this planet.

    Fun Fact: Raw apples are still alive when you eat them.

  17. Well I think most people pick on vegetarians because they are always going on and on about people eating meat and such, in my personal eat your way, I'll eat respect my feelings...I will respect yours.

    I have a friend that is a vegetarian and we get along great, she doesn't say anything when I eat a steak and I don't say anything when she eats tofu!!! lol

    Its all about respecting other people and the choices they make.

  18. I personally love meat, but whatever. Stick to your guns, you'll be a stronger and more disciplined person for it.

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