
Why do i cry more : ( ?

by  |  earlier

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when i was younger... i didnt really cry a lot.. and when i did it was over stupid things... but i cry more now... every few weeks... i feel really sad, so depressed : ( i have less problems than i did when i was younger... but it hurts more now : ( do i cry because i cant handle my emotions : ( is it a weakness?




  1. It sounds like your hormones are out of whack, or you are depressed.  It might depend on what age you are.

  2. You are probably depressed.  Do you exercise everyday?  Do that and make sure you get enough fresh air, fresh food, and sunlight and you will probably cry less or only when appropriate (like a funeral or breakup) not just when you are sitting around feeling sad. Also staying really busy even on mundane and worthless things can help you not be so depressed.  

  3. You could be depressed... or like someone else said it could be a hormones thing. You should see your doctor...

    It could also be that you're not over what you went through when you were younger and when you are upset you have these unexpressed emotions that come out...

    again you should talk to ur doc

    But in the meantime try to stay positive... think about the last few times you cried and try to remember what started it? Most likely something happened that triggered a negative thought and that thought led to another negative thought... and that led to another negative thought untill you became depressed and cried. The weird thing about negative thoughts is that one drags the other and once you have one negative thought... all the negative thoughts you've ever had seem to come at you all together but you can end it! As soon as you find yourself thinking negatively just stop and think positive... think of things you love or like

    Hope that helps =)

  4. go to your gp!.... he will be able to prescribe you some antidepressants

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