
Why do i cut myself?

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I'm 13 and i started doing it in 6th grade. i kept doing it in 7th and then i stopped a little after the start of school. but then i went to this party and i got so cought up in being emo that i came home and did it right now. what should i do?




  1. you should probably talk to someone to find out WHY you do such a thing, but there are other ways to take out agression and frustration. hit something ( not someone ;] ), tear up an old t shirt, prank call someone, write in a journal, do whatever it is that calms you down. for me, its taking a long bubble bath and watching a sad movie that will make me ball my eyes out for hours. cutting yourself is a way to get rid of negative feelings BUT THERE ARE OTHER WAYS. i hope i helped :) if you need someone to talk to, you can email me.

  2. yeah i use to cut myself too but then i realized that this dint solve i started to cut other people for fun...bad joke but really i did cut myself when i was about the same age but stop it  is not helping any problems you are having is just stupid when you think about makes you look weak are you weak?....

  3. You should tell your parents or whoever is taking care of you that you trust.  You need to see a doctor who can recommend the best course of action.  You have some really serious mental issues, and the best thing to do is to get help from qualified people.  There are treatments, therapies and medicines that can help you.  DO IT NOW!!!

  4. Start listening to happy music and hang out with people who are enjoying their lives.  Take up some hobbies that will get you out more and socialising with a lot more people from different backgrounds with different perspectives.

    The last thing that you want to do is miss out on all of the fun there is in life.

  5. stop cuttin yorself and find a psychiatrist

  6. Stop!

    talk to somebody about it.

    maybe that'll help.

    just dont stop anymore.

  7. You have insecurity issues...something or someone in your past has made you angry and insecure. You are hurting. You want to make it go away. So you cause yourself pain to make it literally leave you like the blood does. It's a way of releasing the pain from your life. The bad thing doesn't work for very long. Soon, you're back to cutting yourself again. Talk to someone you trust. Get some of your feelings out. It won't be easy, but you need to purge those feelings before you can feel better. Tell your parents...I know, that's probably hard for you, but they need to know. If they aren't good parents and you think they won't help or will get angry with you, tell a school counselor. You can get through this. I have faith in you!  

  8. This is caused by emotional problems.  I think it's generally linked to abuse or trauma.  See a doctor and try to stop doing it.

  9. i know how you feel.

    i started cutting in sixth grade because it was 'cool' to be all emo and c**p. its not cool and from the outside it makes you look like a complete idiot. but i got addicted to it. i taught myself how not to do it whenever i felt down or craved it for whatever reason. i only do it now when i'm really out of control and i just need to let it out. when you crave it bad enough it almost gives you a high when you're done, i know. but now i'm in tenth grade and i've pretty much killed my addiction by not letting myself do it as often and getting over it. it takes time and you can just quit cold turkey, i know.  

  10. you've got emotional problems. Stop cutting yourself and find something more interesting to help you stop thinking about those things, like playing video games or listening to music

  11. Am going to go with cutting yourself represents mishaps you feel has happened in your life. Releasing the pain when you cut is almost, if not, erotic. The pain releases itself and you feel elation. I wish I could tell you what to do. Therapy may help, but understanding why you cut yourself will be the best therapy. Good luck.

  12. You probably cut yourself as sort of a self punnishment because you do not feel you are special or worthy of happiness. Your at an age where emotions are going in all sorts of directions and often the world is such a big place and there are so many people with their own lives that they fail to see you. You need to see yourself as special and important. You are important and your life has so much to offer you. When you feel like cutting, try punching a pillow. Try running or squeezing a pillow tightly, or screaming into it. Whatever you need to get that inner anger out. All else I can say is just don't cut yourself. Try to put your mind on something else until the feeling of doing that passes.  Good luck to you. Go out and be someone, making a difference in someone's life.  

  13. well when im really pissed off i cut myself i dont think its bad just dont try to kill ur self

  14. Just chill man, I did that stuff when I was 13 too. Its really not worth it. I mean you gotta hide the scars and stuff. Plus scars only remind you of bad times. Now if you do it just to be "emo" or look cool then all I can say is your stupid.

  15. Hi there, you know it's unhealthy to be cutting yourself like that.  Are you in any kind of counseling?

  16. you do it the same reason i do. you dont know why your depressed or sad. like me. your probally bi-polar like me too. because you cant find out whatss wrong with you.

  17. You should stop, because although it feels like pain is a good thing, you could get seriously infected or pass out from blood loss!

    If no one finds'd be a goner :(

  18. the only person who knows the answer to your question is you! I am also a self harmer and it took me a long time to answer that question. Think about what you are feeling when you do and what triggers you. That will help you figure it out. If you want to talk, feel free to email me.

  19. I don't know how to help you you just have to realize  that your hurting yourself and you need to put and end to it. a long time ago I realize how pathetic I was while doing this and that I should stop bitching because I'm better off than most of the world

  20. stop because you could get an infection.  see a psychologist to find out why you feel the need to do this

  21. dnt worry tell me where you live nd ill beat it out of you


    realli tho thts not good

    change your friends nd the music u listen to...that is if u want to stop.

  22. Wash your cuts carefully and bandage them. Talk to a parent. Have them put things like blades in places you don't know about.

    Think carefully, examine your thoughts and try and think about if there's something making you unhappy or angry that compels you to cut. If it's a problem you can solve, even if it's difficult, work on solving it. If it's the "high" you get from cutting (it releases endorphins), then find another activity that makes you happy/feel good. If it seems to be an energy that you get rid of by cutting, channel it into something else.

    Above all, tell someone. If you need help, please get it. Good luck!

  23. quit gettin caught up in being emo that is so stupid to me, i dont mean it in a rude way, but why cant you jus be yourself ?? emo is not all about cutting yourself n ****, try counseling because i dont think the answers you get on here would be healthy solutions to your issue, and whats with all this steroe type ****? i dont understand why people dont know how to be who they are instead of what others want them to be. i think you half way answerd your question tho , you said you went to a party and got caught up in being emo, then went home and cut yourself, well i think that was the reason you did it, cuz you think that thats what being emo is.???  sorry i dont know what to tell you although i think you should talk to some one who is professional...or just quit cutting yourself, why would you want to mutilate your body in such a way?
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