
Why do i dislike the average human being?

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It just seems to me that i cannot find much to like about people any more. A lot of people i come across seem arrogant, argumentative, rude, always want to argue or debate about something.

I really have started disliking most people lately, everyone seems fake.

When you go in a store and buy something you get this fake smile, and a not so sincere, robotic, have a nice day. Even if you go to a restaurant the people seem like you are breaking there arm for a decent service. It's not like your getting free food, they are getting paid. If they can't deal with people then maybe they should get another job.

As for the people that work in the DMV, they all need to be slapped a few times. I have never seen such a moody bunch of gloomy people.

I think i care more for my pet Cat than most humans. I feel bad, but i just cannot find much to like in people any more. Society seems to be getting nastier and nastier by the day.

Don't get me wrong, there are some very nice people out there, but they are a rare.

It's not like i am unapproachable, i try and be as nice as possible with everyone, but sometimes the nicer you are it seems to bring out the worse in poeple.

Is it just me or has anyone else noticed this?




  1. I feel the same way. But i try to keep in mind that everyone has their own issues and can't always be what i want them to. It has gotten me to be a little more cynical with people, but i still try to be as polite as i can. Some people hate their lives and it shows with everything they do.

    I just try my best to stay clear of people who have bad vibes. As for customer service ppl who are rude? I make it clear i don't appreciate their attitude. omg, they probably think im the one with issues.

    Anyways, i agree.  

  2. the world is perpetuated off of fakeness. ppl are encouraged to be friendly and happy at their job when deep down inside they are miserable at there dead end job that dosent even pay the bills but yet they are coached into smiling and greeting each customer like they mean it. dont hate humans since you are one yourself you just have to seperate the real from the fake. oh yeah and P***k customer service.

  3. i agree i hate those ***** dmv people n someone killed my kitty i found kitty stretched out in my backyard

  4. You are feeling the disconnect that is inevitable with an isolated technology driven society.  People don't interact with neighbors anymore, common courtesy is a chore, and life seems to have no more purpose than to produce, consume, and die.  

    Humanity took a seriously wrong turn when we dispensed with the tribal society as the norm.  Gangs, sports fans of the same team, and other well known social constructs are the attempt to capture that, but based on nothing they fail.  

    The spirit has been neglected for the material and mankind suffers.

  5. That's actually how most humans feel...being too nice will get you hurt...but there is no reason to let it put you down. Some people love to see others down.

  6. You really do have to search to find good people, but they are out there. Maybe you have not looked in the right places yet. I think everyone kind-of feels that way sometimes. I hope for you that it will pass and you will start looking for the good ones instead of pointing out the bad ones. Good Luck and as far as the DMV you just have to stay away unless necessary!  

  7. Same here bro...I'm glad you asked this question because i feel the same exact way.  Maybe because our economy is in a recession and people are struggling to survive...who knows

  8. I hate everyone too ifeel like throwing stuff at people

  9. because people suck

    I dont blame you

  10. heheheheehe

    nice to meet u. i am glad there is someone like u still around!!!  

  11. I think that way too.

    I do realize that the smiles and greetings that I always see and hear in public are kind of mechanical, or "fake", as you put it. But I also notice that quite a large fraction of these people seem to be enjoying their job, even their compulsory "have a nice day" greetings. This makes them "real" in a way. I just graduated high school and I haven't started any part time jobs yet, but when I do, I want to communicate with my customers honestly - whether or not I will sound mechanical, I want to put my honest feelings into my words. I'm sure there are quite a lot of people like that out there.

    Could it be the town, city or country you're in that isn't so bright? Have you tried travelling to other places and knowing different kinds of people? Perhaps you should start befriending those rare unique people and make a community of special people? Lol.

    My lover noticed that I have a long-term problem of "being unable to accept people as they are". I think, in the end, it all depends on whether or not we change our perception of society, and HOW we change it.

  12. i feel the same way ever since i've gotten a job.  i've had my jobs for a while now and i just don't like people anymore.  i have never seen as many rude and nasty people in my life since i started working.  the way total strangers act towards me makes me sick especially when all i am doing is being friendly to them.  if someone is rude and grumpy to me when i am trying to help them, i refuse to be nice to them anymore, which is not helping the situation i guess lol.

    yes, i do come across a few very nice people, but yes, they are very rare! i guess people just suck these days!

  13. because you're a misanthrope.

    It's fairly common, don't worry.

  14. It may be you, it may be where you live, it may be the times we live in... or possibly, a combination of all of this.

    I'm not suggesting it's you, as if you're hard to get along with or whatever, but basically, we all have a tendency to find what we're we're expecting to find far more often than what we're looking for. Some of that may well be experience.. you expect to see today what you say yesterday. But psychologically, you react to your expectations... so you're more likely to notice and remember people who fit your mental template, and ignore those who don't, in any given situation. I'm not suggesting that's easy to get around, but the more you can look objectively at yourself, the better means you have for taking your behavior out of the problem.

    Ok, so now that's out of the way... take the combination of our times and where you live. Particularly in retail, a good portion of the time, you're going to encounter a person making low wages, probably overworked and underpaid, in a job they're not crazy about, but one that requires them to be friendly as much as possible... that's not just natural. The bad economy, rising prices, and "Disney-ifcation" of much of the USA means this is the trend.

    Contrast that with the rapidly vanishing independent retailer... there's a music shop like that in a nearby town here, and a coffee shop. Both of these are amazingly friendly places... the workers there are often owners, or at least they know the owner, they're not reporting to some wonk fresh out of Starbuck's management college. So I think there's a level of real happiness that's missing elsewhere. I'm not about to claim this is a universal property of a small establishment rather than a chain, but I do tend to find it's really common.

    And of course, these poor retail workers, trying to keep a smile painted on all day long, are running into all sorts of people, many of whom are in every worse moods. I think you'll find that, with a little effort, you can find out what's underneath the "Joker" makeup, especially at places you frequent. You probably have to make the effort more than the retail worker.. but hey, they're at work, you're not.

    As far as cats, I have seven... it's a mixed bag. Some of them are pretty nice and genuinely friendly, a few just "love" me for access to mice and kibble, and a warm place to sleep. I guess _I_ should be making more effort with "Tigger"...  

  15. i would have to agree, i wouldn't feel to bad about those fake smiles and greetings as most stores require this of their employees. i don't think they realize how annoying this is except to the great unwashed masses.  it gives them a feeling of well being to have someone (appear at least) sucking up to them. or have a waitress "serve" them because for that one instant they can forget their entirely pedestrian lives and feel like a big shot.

    as far argumentative people, i just think most people argue because they lack the ability to discuss or debate and fail to see the difference.

    i think the terrible service would improve if people had any real fear of loosing their jobs, nowadays there is always some activist group fighting to keep even the most dismal employees sucking the life force out of every company, and hey there is always welfare

    remember great minds discuss ideas. average minds discuss events. small minds discuss people

  16. maybe you aren't sick of just people but the way americans are.

    we live in such a self pleasing, self loathing society that everybody is jaded.

    there is not value in work anymore or anything for that matter in's all about getting hella crunk and sporting your cool @ss designer sunglasses.  

    people need to get real.  it's all c**p.....really it is.

  17. Yep,  we have  way to many rude,nasty,mean,ignorant people  in US. But that makes me appreciate the ones that are kind, respectful and loving.

      I can't stand when i go shopping and the cashier is rude or acting like their lives have been nothing but agony. I rather them to have a fake smile than a mean attitude.

      I'm also a big animal lover, and i hate seeing on tv how people treat animals. I wish i could beat the sh** out of them!!!...and maybe starve them for few days and see if they like it...grrr  

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