
Why do i dream something and then it happens

by  |  earlier

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i will have a dream, and its like just a clip that i remember, but for example last week i went outside and there was a pile of sand and bricks and my boss was talking to me and i remembered dreaming the exact thing that was happening there, but i had never been there before.

what is this called and why does it happen?




  1. this is called skrying. basically what happens in a skry, you see a place exactly how it looks. the place is real, but few people know they are skrying because it is so rare that you actually see the place. so you should be glad. you are a skryer.

    if it is events you are seeing, you are in deja vu, so read the first answer.

  2. The prevailing theory is that you are experiencing Deja Vu.  You don't actually dream these things.  What happens is that your brain runs such a fast loop that you think you have seen/experienced something before when its really a super fast loop replaying before your consious mind recognizes it the first time.  It happens to some more often than others.

  3. ive had that before...except i know for sure that i had the dream first because i write my dreams down after i have them...and then a week or so later they generally happen

  4. I think that you are just thinking that you have seen it before in a dream, but really you haven't.

  5. I have heard it said that when you expirience this it means that you're on the right track. I believe that we are all psychic. We have mental abilities that humanity isn't fully aware about yet.

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