
Why do i end up doin almost all the work during group assignments?

by  |  earlier

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during group presentations or assignments, my group members don't try to contribute in the ork. and finally they give me all the responsibility. how can i say them that they should also put ome effort in ti. afterall, it is a GROUP assignment.




  1. Maybe you like things done a certain way and you are not please with what the rest of the group's input.

    So why would they want to help.

    You probably need to have a group discussion and decide on what each person can contribute to the assignment....

  2. OMG!!!

    iim totally the same!!

    we get together and i feel really bossy, but i tell people what part of the work they should do

    u usually do all the work because if ur like me u get good grades and everyone thinks that u can do it all

    i get frustrated, but at the same time i like things done my way so its fine

  3. Because they know you're too weak minded and self obsessed that they can walk all over you.

  4. accept a reasonable share of the work and ask what roles the others will be playing.  when you find yourself with a group of deadheads, just make sure you carve out a piece of the action that you can do, and show that you have done. It is hard if you are dependent upon a slacker.

  5. You're considered a leader.  They look to you and trust you.  That may be a good thing, but you need to take control of the group and distribute the work evenly.  Lay down the law!

  6. You are possibly lacking in assertiveness! Next time, draw up a plan together and delegate the work between you  and STICK to that even if it means the work isn't that good.

  7. Don't let people take advantage of you. Tell them you expect them to pull their own weight. Divide the work up and do your part. Let the teacher know that the work was divided.

    This kind of assignment never works well and the teacher should know that.

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