
Why do i faint when I go to the bathroom?

by  |  earlier

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Okay so a few months ago I was going to the bathroom and randomly my stomach began hurting pretty badly, near the bladder area on the right side. It hurt very bad and it almost felt like blood was rushing to my head. My head started feeling lightheaded then lights out. I woke up shortly after and my stomach still hurt so I lay down for a while and fell asleep, it still hurt whenever i changed positions and moved. Later on in the day I went to the bathroom again and same thing happened. Then a third time I took a **** and I did start to feel a bit better... then over the course of the months or so (during this time my stomach would hurt randomly) Finally present day I've nearly forgotten about it and it happens again when im going to the bathroom, pass out and same feeling/things happen so i lay down again and sleep for 6hrs. Wake up, go pee again and yet again it happens, i pass out and wake up.. (this time w/ some pee on the floor.... sigh on cleaning it up) My parents say its nothing too bad, just random but I think it may be serious. Any help? (and no, my pee isnt blood its normal)




  1. if you feel like you have a weak stomach or even if your blood sugar is low, it can make you pass out.

  2. If u fainted i would go to to the doctor.

  3. This seems to be serious problem. Talk to your folks again & I recommend you see a doctor. Fainting in the bathroom is not something that is common. It might be the start of a different problem, a problem that you may not be aware of till now.

  4. this may not be the answer yhoo are lookig for but please listen to me

    my uncle asked a question on yhaoo answers about his health

    people told him it was just his blood preasure

    but it wasnt he had celiac diseace

    he got really ill cause he just ignored it and listened to what all the people said

    its very unlikley that yhoo will get a doctor to answer your question on hear

    so please


    for your owm good


  5. Anything like this which causes you to faint should be referred to your doctor , Yes it could easily be something simple related to you growing up , but you need reassurance from a medical expert . So ask your parents to make an appointment with your doctor  

  6. This could be a vagal response where the act of defecating triggers a reflex in the vagus nerve (involuntary) to slow down the heart rate.  This temporarily lowers the blood pressure and hence lowers blood availability to the brain.  This can cause you to pass out.  It wouldn't be a bad idea to discuss this with your doc.

  7. You could have low blood pressure which could cause fainting.But I'd say don't play around go to the doctor, you could have internal bleeding e.g. ulcer.Anyway good luck.

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