
Why do i feel bad?

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so i'm smart...i'm funny...guys say im hot...even beautiful...i enjoy doing lots of things...and love my life...but i left school when i was 16.I graduated online(Penn Foster) and going to get a college degree.Even though what i wanna do with my life has nothing to do with this(i wanna be a chef) and i never thought leaving school was a mistake sometimes i think one day i'm gonna regret it and most of all that this makes me stupid...or like i messed up my whole life...also that guys won't like me so much if they know i have an online diploma.Do you think i can do anything to stop feeling that way?




  1. The only thing that can stop you from feeling that way is *you*. You need to reprogram yourself, using affirmations. Your self-worth seems so tied to where you got your education, how you look and what guys will think of you. You need to become convinced that you are worthy simply because you exist.

    If you are serious about becoming a chef, you *need* to go to a proper cooking/culinary school. Whatever you are working on with Penn Foster probably won't be enough to convince an employer of your skills.

  2. I think it's normal to feel that you may have made a mistake.  If you had stayed in traditional school you would probably think the same way.  It's just human.

    It sounds like you are a great well rounded person and you should have no trouble attracting a mate.  And that is something everyone worries about.  You just maybe need a boost to your self esteem.  

    Remember there is nothing you can do to change the past, you can only change the present.  Worrying about it doesn't do anything.  Cheer up and remember why you made the decisions you made and consider how blessed you are in the life you have chosen.  If you want a different path at this point... go that way.  Just because you began one thing doesn't trap you for life.  

    Best of luck to you :D

  3. Like Sahara said, it is tough swimming upstream, traveling the unconventional path. It can make you feel a little unsure sometimes especially if you don't have a lot of support of other like-minded peoople.

    Just concentrate on being the best you that you can be in the now. That is who people see and that is what fair-minded people base their opinions on. We live in an age where old traditions are being challenged by new opportunities. Unconventional is becoming as much the norm as conventional. I think our world is a better place because of it. If you are feeling low, seek out those fellow upstream swimmers. My guess is you will see that among them are so many success stories and wonderful people that it will put your mind at ease.

  4. If you want to be a chef, why don't you go to a polytechnic gastronomy school? Life passes quick and you better do what you want, so you won't regret it when it's too late.

    There are many schools out there that teach you an exact profession. That's what I meant by polytechnic - I don't know if that's the accurate term.

    I am in college, studying something that I like, but I know I'll never work with, so I went to a polytechnic of a complete different area, which I'm more likely to work with :) I'm very happy with it. You know, I don't want to graduate and have a diploma that I'll never use. But diplomas are always worth getting, knowledge is never enough.

    However, we must do what we like, there's also the whole I-need-to-survive thing, we must make money somehow afterall, so better do it with what we like. Right?

  5. i'm on the same path as you are, (except i'm going into acting) i'm graduating online, homeschooled so i can graduate early, and on my way to what i want to do. sure i'm sure i'll regret maybe not going to the dances and stuff in highschool, but to reach your dream you have to make sacrifices, if it was easy, every one would be living their dream, but in ten years, when your a successful chef, and your friends are still "inbetween jobs"(possibly) you'll look back and you probably won't trade your highschool years for where you are as a chef

  6. One very good tip: Want to know what is sure to make you un-date-able? Worrying too much about what will make guys like you. Men are an afterthought. When the right one comes along, you'll love him better if you love yourself better. Get it? Be the woman of your dreams and live with confidence and you are sure to be the woman of some mighty fine man's dreams too!

      Seriously. Know yourself, do what you want with your life. Build yourself up. You'll get s**y in the process. Trust me. Go make your dreams happen, get a great job and a hot pair of shoes, woman!

  7. I think you should follow your dreams and to be a chef, you need to go to culinary arts school. So get going and do it. You won't regret it. Have you taken any cooking classes?

    Do you know where you would like to work and what it will take to get there?

    I think you feel bad because you are taking an unconventional route. It's a risk. You could have made a mistake. You could have been smart. You don't know yet.

  8. I left school to follow my dreams.  I'm 18 and now being homeschooled by Penn Foster High School.  Do I regret it? No, because this is something that I felt that I needed to do in order to follow my dreams.  While I was in school I did band and was very good at it, too.  I did a lot of writing and even got published a couple of times.  I also took photography and enjoyed it very much.  I homeschool because my other classes, like math, english, science, and social studies where not fast enough for me.  I also did not enjoy the classroom environment.  It took the class way too long to start on the assignments.  I couldn't take it anymore.  I thought about it for a few months before actually making the decision.  Now that I have made me choice I feel much more comfortable.  I take cooking classes from a relative, go to the local library, work, study music, and do many other things.  

    For me, learning what I want and how I want and where I want is very important to me.  I take pride in being a homeschooler because I know that there are many people that wish they could have the experience I have with learning.  Being homeschooled helps me prepare for the real world.  There are a lot of things that you won't learn in school.
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