
Why do i feel cold and my hands are shacking and my hearts going very fast!?

by  |  earlier

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should i do something i having trouble typing! fingers are cold. 18.f




  1. go to the doctor now

  2. It's possible that you could be coming down with a flu, viral infection, overtired, or stressed.

    Should this continue for more than 2 days you really need to see a medical person.

  3. yes fainting, being cold, racing heart,  somethings not right , I hope that you seen a Dr after you asked advice here as, these symptoms sound like low blood pressure, hope you are not home alone or have rang a friendly dr for more advice and are doing fine now.

  4. I hope you dont have an eating disorder caz thats common with anorexia and bulimia nervosa.

  5. Nobody here can even guess at what is wrong. There are a number of things it might be, but without examining you it is not possible to know. You need to go and see your doctor and get properly examined and diagnosed.

  6. ok start by not worrying and calm i would certainly ring ur local doctor for the nearest  appouintment   as soon as possible and see what happens from there hunnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn   i suggest you get some rest have a warm drink snuggle down in your bed try to  be with friends and family !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hope u get better soon any problems emaill me from jade and meg

  7. if its really bad and worrying you then i would suggest going to hospital to make sure that you're ok. it may just be that you are coming down with a cold or flu or something. prob best to get it checked out tho

    hope you feel better  xx

  8. You may be suffering from a panic attack , normally there is a trigger but not always , try to relax ,lie down and take long deep breaths , holding them for as long as possible  

  9. put on a jacket? Maybe some gloves, too, but those are prescription only in most states.

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