
Why do i feel like im apart of my parents s*x life?

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ok so recently i found a s*x tape of my mom masturbating...disturbing..then even more recently i find condoms in her purse. and then yesterday i come home from vacation with my mom. i went with my mom and some other family to the bahamas. my dad couldn't come because he runs a company and has no time. so when we come back the week later. we get back late. when im geting ready for bed i can't find my toothbrush so i knock on their door and then 5 seconds later i open it. i catch them about to have s*x. annd now they want to go to a hotel this weekend ALONE. i sudnenly feel realy disgusted with them. i know its natural and they are married but why do i have to know about all that ****. like everytime they have their door closed my mind is screaming YOU FREAKING NYMPHOS! i don't know how to shake the picture from my head and it has really been bothering me lately. any advice?




  1. move out?

    stay away form their room when the door is closed!!!

  2. poor poor thing..seriously..*huggles you tightt* you need some therapy..i know i would after seeing my mom do that..jesus bad images. but really. therapy might actually work. or tell them to stop getting it on when you're home.

  3. First off, Incest = wrong! so dont think that for sure.

    secondly, watch p**n, do something, dont be in a situation where you are gonna think and your mind starts to wander. be active, read a book, thats the only thing i suggest, or ultimately, question them about it, talk to them and let them know that it bothers you. or see a shrink.

  4. Be happy that your parents care enough about each other to want to share this with each other.

    YOU, however, need to take command of the situation and talk to them.

    Speak to you mother alone first about the video tape and let the shock of that pass over her.

    Speak to you father alone about the need for their privacy with a young child in the house.

    Talk to them together about setting some rules so these "intrusions" can be held to a minimum

  5. It's none of your business what your parents are should learn to leave other peoples possessions alone, (stay out of Moms purse), and keep track of your own stuff...

    you sound like you are about 15, old enough to start taking care of yourself....your parents have their own lifes, and they don't nescesarily have to revolve around you....


    funny videos will hopefully shake you of those images

  7. just be glad your parents still love each other and enjoy spending time with each other. most kids' parents are divorced or in their second and third marriages...

  8. Awh! im sorry it has to be continuous like that. ive had my share of....yeah so.. lol

    and my advice would be to tell your mom about it, I know its gonna be embarrassing..but just ask her if she could be more secretive about it, and not be so open about it.

    so sorry! hahaa

    hope ya get things worked out.

  9. You're funny.

  10. blech blech blech! I totally understand how you feel, that is really gross! Ask them to please be a little more private, tell them that it is very very awkward for you to be stumbling into stuff like this all the time.

  11. Tell them that they need to keep the condoms and s*x tapes put away.  You need to respect their privacy more.  If a door is closed and they don't answer the knock, don't go in.  Moreover, they should have it locked.  No one wants to think about their parents doing it, but be glad that they have a healthy relationship.  Being confronted by a closed door is better than listening to them scream at each other all the time or witnessing physical abuse.

  12. your gonna have s*x when your older arnt you? let them bang each other

  13. freaked out? my child, you should be excited. not only are your parents exploiting their s*x life, but in their OWN HOME. my nbest bet is to just jump right in next time. you and your dad can tag team your mom. maybe even bring in the grand folks.

  14. Yeah, I wish your parents never had s*x, too.

  15. Yes get a life. find something to do where you will be gone on a schedule. so that they will have some free time to do the things married people do. quit snooping and always knock when a door is closed. I'm sure that it is bothering them also. I know you snoop because you found the video.

  16. Omygawd, you should have already been traumatized, just cloud your mind with drugs and everything will go away!

    Just kidding:P

    It would suck to be you though...

  17. i have been disturbed by finding some things in thier cabinets too. its horrible isnt it! and im 13. the best thing to to (this is whaat i did) is talk to mmy mom about it and it really helped!

  18. Wow. I'm disturbed just by reading it. Leave your house ASAP.

  19. I feel for you. :( I've found my own parents' condoms. It kinda shines a whole new light on the people who've been raising you from birth. You def don't wanna think about them that way.

    I'm sorry I don't have any advise though--that's what you asked this question for.

  20. my parents are like that too its because they have alot of kids and dont get to do it often lol except for that s*x tape part that what my parents do

  21. wow, i really feel for you.  ive heard my parents before like once, and that still haunts me.......................

    well, as awkward as it may be, why dont you confront your mom about it?

    thats all the advice i can give...

    answer mine PLEASE;...

  22. UMMMMM actually you dont have to know? because you should respect their privacy? it was your choice to open the door and it was your choice to snoop in her purse... get over it and dont be nosy and you wont be disturbed

  23. I feel sorry for you..disturbing imagery.

  24. Well they are a bit silly for not being a bit discreet about it, but if you think about it you should be happy for them; it usually means they are still in love with eachother and having a great time :)

  25. Well I fell the same way with my mom and her boy friend.It really bugs me I just want 2 go in there and slap theme!

  26. gross. stay away from them. lol


  27. Because  

  28. i can relate but i will not get into details. i wud say to talk to ur mom let her know that it bothers u. there is no other way to fix this problem. i feel ur pai. tell her its uncomfortable for you to be around ur own housed knowing that they are trying to be alone to do 'it'.  

  29. If I were you I'll just laugh at it or maybe leave them for good.

  30. Next time, wait for someone to say "come in" before opening a closed bedroom door...

    And be very glad that they will be going to a hotel for a weekend.  Sounds like they want more privacy, which will make everyone happier.

  31. so you just happened to find this video, and you just happened to watch it? just because they are adults (of which you are not one i take it ) does not mean they stop having s*x!. would you rather they fought like cats and dogs and throw stuff at each other. god they love each other. grow up!

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