
Why do i feel like the youngest person cycling when i go for my long rides?

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i'm 22 and i go for long rides on a road were alot of cyclist go and i feel like i'm too young.. everyone i see is at least 35 and may i say that they are awesome at cycling..




  1. This is just a guess but, back in the 70's cycling was going through a boom so there are now a ton of cyclists between say 40 - 60 years old on the road.  You mentioned 35 year olds; they just look 35 because they’re in such great shape from cycling. They’re actually older! Over the last 20-25 years cycling has experienced a decline which is probably why you’re not seeing as many 20 and 30 year olds on bikes.

    We are now on the cusp of a resurgence of the sport and you're a part of the next cycling generation! You're actually going to see more and more folks your age cycling on the roads in the near future. This is great news for the cycling enthusiast of old,   . . . and new!

    God speed on your pursuit of cycling. It's a great, healthy sport, and you may find, as many have in the past, that it becomes more of a passion than a pastime for you.

  2. not really sure, i'm just starting to get into this and am 21 might be that they have the money and time to go out and ride a bike for a long time, other younger people are too busy with other stuff.

    either way it sure is nice to be out on a bike.

  3. A lot of older folks have been cycling for decades. Many, many others picked it up over the last ten years when they saw Lance and thought it looked like fun. Others (like me) have been on and off for years and are back on because as we get over 35 we realize cycling is a fun way to get fit and stay competitive. Also, older folks may have more money to spend on fancy bikes.

    But, despite all that, I will say that my team has a wide range of ages and one of the guys I ride with most often (because he lives near me) is a senior in high school. Once we're on the bike, age differences don't mean much. On a good day I can leave him in the dust. To be fair, those days are rare.  :)

  4. They didn't get like that by starting when they were older :)

    They were probably once like you and cycled with a bunch of older people, just maybe in a different location. I think it is fantastic that you love cycling.. it's the best way to stay fit.

    Good luck and hope I helped :)


  5. Uhm..because everyone you're riding with is older then you.

  6. I'm 40-something and feel the same way.  (I hate when the retired guys kick my butt on the hills!)  Older cyclists do seem to gravitate to the longer endurance rides.

    You might look into the racing clubs.  They seem like a younger "fast-and-furious" crowd that are always looking ahead to the next race.  At your age, you would fit right in.  Go win some trophies!

  7. Maybe because a lot of people younger in your area don't do it? I know in Boston, Philly, NYC, and here in Chicago bikes are a huge thing.

  8. Cycling is one of those sports where people who are 35 and beyond can still do well in.

    While most people your age are pursuing sports that give them an adrenaline rush, the ones who remain physically active will tend to gravitate towards cycling as they age. You can still achieve great fitness and endurance without it taking a massive toll on your body.

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