
Why do i feel like this about my daughter?

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i am 30 yrs old a single mum n i hate spending time with my daughter i hate parks, painting, playing games with her i resent the way i feel all i do is long for the time when i get a break from her her dad only has her once a week and my mum has her wed and sat evening but only from 8pm till 9am i may sound ungrateful but still this does not make me feel any better my daughter is five years old why do i feel like this?




  1. You've got issues and you need to seek professional help because you're putting resentment on your daughter and it's probably for her dad.  You need to sort out your feelings.  

  2. maybe you just aren't ready for the responsibility or your just not coping

    don't be embarrassed your probably suffering from some sort of depression

    you should maybe give her father majority custody for the moment while you come to terms with your feelings so you can learn to enjoy spending time again with your daughter.

    people on here have judged you but they wouldnt judge a man in the same way if he wasnt coping.

  3. You might be holding some sort of a grudge, or resentment towards her because of something her dad was responsible for, or because she is "his" daughter, or you just plain don't want to raise her. In either case, if I were you, I would seek professional help. She deserves better.

  4. What would you like to pursue or achieve in life? Are you feeling this way because of your time commitment with your daughter? If so, put your child at childcare or with a caregiver. It's not the amount of time you spent with her that is important, it's the quality of time you give to your child.  

  5. single parenting is difficult and at times overwhelming. it is hard to have a "personal life" and the the total dependence on you that a child has is emotionally draining and sometimes frightening. at least you recognize a problem here. you sound resentful of the situation you are in and not ready/able to handle the responsibilities of single motherhood. At least you are honest about your feelings and recognize there is a problem. you need to seek assistance. i would start by looking into family counseling services and go from there. either a private org. or social services agancy will point you in the right direction. to start, just tell them you are overwhelmed as a single mom and are struggling with the physical AND emotional demands of the situation.

    be patient and don't resent the little one. she needs you, and you both deserve more. you just need some help dealing with things, so get it.

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