
Why do i feel like this???

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im 27 and i live with my boyfriend and my son thats 9, im a deep thinker and i no iv had a lot of stress at the moment and i suffer from panic attacks ands stuff, all though i havent had a panic attack for a long time i always have a worring feeling in my belly, the last couple of nights iv been feeling really strange wakeing up during the nigh with my body stiff really really tenced up and i tryed to relax my body but i found it really hard to do it it takes me ages to get back to sleep as i feel so tence my brain starts working over time and its like my brains telling me somethinks wrong, how do i teach my self to relax because this is doing my head in, also i dont want to go to the doctors so they can put me on tablets because im trying for a baby for a year and dont want to be held back on medication please help..




  1. Hi,

    If you feel a panic attack or feelings of anxiety creeping up on you then try this word repetition technique that I learned that helps me to quickly 'snap out' of my panic attacks:

    I simply repeat the words 'cream cake' over and over in my head as quickly as I can without stopping.    You could use any word or words you like really but that's what I chose (because I like cream cakes).  It apparently works because it doesn't give your brain time to process the panicky thoughts and so helps you to relax again.  Seems strange I know ... but it works for me!

    There's also a free ebook that I found really useful called 'Get Rid of Panic and Anxiety for Good'. If you want to take a look you can find it at:    Even though I got it for free it has helped me absolutely loads!

  2. Here is the solution to your problem... move a muscle, change a thought. All your difficulties are rooted in your perceptions. So, change your perceptions. Drink lots of fresh water, eat fruits and vegetables. Be real kind to everyone around you. Read and meditate on good things. Exercise will release tons of endorphines into your body chemistry. Otherwise, be lazy about it and let negative thoughts ruin your life.

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