
Why do i feel like this..?

by  |  earlier

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ok i feel like this....

when its sunny out side and hot / warm i feel all haapppyy and do what eveer im told but when its cold and dark im all mad??





  1. its just the weather is getting u down

    just think of the thing you can do in side or you could go out side and just stand in the rain maybe ride your bicycles with siblings (i know it sound bull but its fun when you actually do it)

    hope it helps

  2. Sometimes ur hormones make u feel that way.

  3. If you're anything like I was when I was a kid - you know that sunny days bring fun and adventure, and cold and gloomy days mean spending hours inside with nothing to do.  I don't think you have any kind of mental disorder like some people are suggesting, but I do think that if you find something fun to do inside, you can start to create a link between rainy days and happiness.  For me, I started reading lots and lots of books and drawing comics.  Sounds dorky but I did it so much and it made me so happy over time that now whenever I hear thunder I get really happy and I snuggle up on the couch and read a book.

  4. Thats natural it's been proven by doctors people who work inside alot need natural light lamps to make you feel better.. theres also a condition called sesonal depression people are depressed in the winter.. It's natural for people to need light for our well being :)

  5. waw you feel like that in sunny days?

    i feel  the oppsite, i hate summer i love winter so so so so much i find my self in winter

  6. Seasonal Affective Disorder?

    Go here it might help:

  7. mood swings!

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