
Why do i feel like this??!!?

by  |  earlier

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i have a new boyfriend and i love him soo much and he loves me, i also have some new friends. And i know everyone likes me, but i feel so depressed, all i can think about is how everyone's gonna leave me. And how i'm not good enough for any one this. I don't know how to make these feelings go away and i don't want them to impact my relationships. Can anyone help pleasee : (




  1. I can only imagine that there is some event in your childhood which has either given you the idea that loved ones always leave you or in some way has left you with unreasonably low self-esteem.

    To a certain extent we all suffer from loss/shortage mentality. For example when I was rich I used to worry about loosing it all.... this is just part of being human.

    The fact that you are able to see that you SHOULD be happy is just a sign that you're not dumb. As to what to do about it ... hmmm - well if you do seek professional advice DON'T let them talk you into taking any meds like antidepressants. They really don't help.

    The only real way to make these feelings go away is to analyse yourself on a deep level. Trawl through all your emotions and find out what is at the root of your unhappiness.

    Meanwhile I suggest you fake it till you make it. You are surrounded by people who love you - don't be too hard on yourself. You sound like a really sweet young person.  : )   ::: Big hug :::

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