
Why do i feel like this towards my mother?

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My mom. I love her. I cant stand to be around her. When im not around her im ok. but when im with her it just seems like everything little thing she does anoyys me. She makes me so mad when im with her and i dont know why. Im 16. Does that have something to do with it? I keep thinking its just b/c im young and i still need to mature. I dont know whats wrong with me.




  1. It does have a lot to do with your age. most 16 year olds cant stand their mothers. What i would say is to just give it time. once you mature im sure you will have a great relationship with your mom. a mom is the only friend you have that will never leave you! trust me a life without a mom would be horrible.

  2. i wish i could answer that. i went through this with my own daughter. for no aparent reason just everything I said or did she hated. she couldnt tell me why. im guess its just  a stage. but luckily we kept talking honestly with each other and she gre out of it and we are very close and the best of friends now.

    im guessing you answered your own question.

    Im 16.  I keep thinking its just b/c im young and i still need to mature.

  3. My mother has diabetes, arthritis really bad and had a stroke.  She is in a wheel chair and can hardly talk.  I would be very thankful is she were able to do things to annoy me!

  4. I'm like this in every way. Everytime my mom does something I find it more and more annoying.

    The best thing I try to do when I get mad at her or annoyed is try to remind myself that she is my mom and doesnt mean to be mean or annoying. She's just being her and doing what she believes is best for me.

  5. You have to remember that mother knows best. Sometimes in live growing up can be hard and there are things that we just don't understand and the person that is closes to use seem to be the problem. Maybe if you talk to your mother and let her know how you feel and why you feel the way you do about her it will change some of those negitive feeling that you have about her.

  6. Try not to worry. I was a bit like that with my parents when I was in my late teens. It passed on as I left home and got older. I don't think it is unusual. Try to be patient. Or try talking to her to clear the air so that she understands you a bit better and you her (you don't have to put it quite so baldly as in this question. Lol!).

    If you live in the UK, Childline are very good for counselling about these situations. They do not judge you and are very helpful. or tel 0800 1111. If you are in the US, there may be something similar: try googling.

    You may be right that it is just a question of time and maturing and aging.

    I hope that helps. Good luck

  7. dude im 20 and i still havent grown out of it. the best thing to do is stay out of each others' way when you can.

  8. It just means you're a teenager. Most teens are like that. You'll grow out of it, trust me.

  9. ya thats probably it. most teenagers dont like being around their parents.

  10. I feel the same way and I'm 13! I mean, parents...they just don't get it, right!?!

    Well, what I do is just ignore her. When I feel like screaming in her face, I imagine that I have a remote that can control everything in my life (Like in the movie Click) and I pause the screen and punch her in the face. Just find a way to vent and push her outta my mind.

  11. It's probably the age.  You mellow towards your parents as you get older.  Or at least understand a little better why they do the things they do.

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