
Why do i feel old just because .?

by  |  earlier

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i have 3 grandchildren i am only 43 but i feel i have to behave in a certain way 5 years ago i was always shaking my stuff.i mean i don't even look old.




  1. i feel old - i'm 27 - i have a great nephew

    do i go out on the p**s any more? no - as i feel a granny

  2. Hate to break it to you but 43 is pretty old. You are not young anymore and you have to accept that fact.

  3. I turned 43 yesterday ,have a granddaughter in Heaven,and feel young still...

  4. Meh, I'm going to be 50 my next birthday,lol, but I act the way I want to be. Why sit in a rocking chair in a long black dress and snow white hair before I have to ? ^_^  

  5. I think people allow circumstances dictate the way they should act. There is nothing wrong with going out and having a good time, but remember you are not only a mother, you are a grandmother and you represent them. You would not want your daughter to be a prostitute because she represents you, the same applies to you. I know I have been through that.

    If you think being a grandparent prevents you from having fun, think again. It should, however, prevent you from "shaking your stuff".

  6. WHOA!! My moms 46. No grandkids nothin. her youngest kid is 10 and her oldest kid is 18.

    I also have a uncle who is 50 and has a 6year old kid.

    your not old... shake those hips while you can. =PP

  7. Don't feel like you have to behave in any way just carry on being you shaking your thang lol....your grandchildren will love having such a cool granny xx

  8. those little monsters age you...

    my son aged me a lot. it's stress....

    do yoga. have a beer.  

  9. You aren't nearly old yet!  You have another 20 years to go!  But children and grandchildren do make people feel older.  It is appropriate that you have changed to fit the grandparent status but don't change to much.  You want to still be the you that they know and love even if that means you shake your stuff a little.  (Not a lot and not in front of them)

  10. Nah you aren't old until you are 200!!!!! LOL

    I'm 20 and I feel old. Probably cause I play WoW and alot of kids play it too.

  11. Your young if you feel young.

    Always remember this.

    p.s. your certainly not 'old' if your asking people on the internet why you feel old.

  12. Age is only a number.

    You don't stop playing because you grow old.

    You grow old because you stop playing.

  13. feel as old as you look.

    act as old as u feel

  14. Stop breeding please.

  15. First of all: Jason   go blow yourself!!

    I'm a granny now at 51.  I'm still me, plan on being me.  Be who you are.  and live accordingly!!

  16. wow

    I don't think you're old and you shouldn't look old

    my "mom" is 49

    you're a grandma nowwwww

  17. I'm 40 and I never had kids. If you don't feel old, then you are not old! Keep on doing what you feel like doing, and pay no attention to the begrudgers!

  18. well thats amazing that  u are only 43 and have 3grandchildren!

    Dont feel old! just embrace what u have so young, and feel fantastic!!

  19. Age is just a number

    shake your thang :P

  20. prime of your life

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